18: You think?

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Our math class was put on pause because the teacher was on the phone, oh and also i think you already realized this but i am in school.

"Mm-hmm, I'll tell him" she said then hung up and turned to the class. "Sheldon, you need to go to the principals office"

"Ooooooooooooh" we all said.

"You do that every time" Sheldon said to the class. "Why?"

No one answered and he got up and left.

"What the hell did he do now?" Scott asked.

"I dont know, but im sure he deserves it" Milly said stretching a bit.

When school was over we were exiting the gym with our clothes in our hands and bags when-

"Oh shoot, i left my stuff in my locker" Scott said.

"Wait till Monday" May said shrugging.

"You dont understand, this is super important" Scott said.

We all stopped to look at him.

"Dude, its already like 4:30. The schools gonna close soon" I said.

"It'll be quick" he said and we all groaned before following him inside. We decided to take the tall that the teachers didnt use so we wouldnt get found. We got to Scotts locker and he put the thing in his pocket before we could see it. He was locking his locker when suddenly there was a loud bang and all the lights went out.

"Ok..... this means one of two things" Lacey said sounding worried but also like she was trying to stay calm. "One the powers out and the teachers are still here........ or.......... they just locked us in the school"

"Oh hell no" Milly said and started running towards the exit. We all quickly followed. When at the exit Milly pushed the door but it wasnt opening. She put her entire body on it, but it didnt open. "Crap"

"So thats what the bang was" Scott said "The door closing"

"Really genius? Didnt think of that" i said.

"Thanks" Scott said and i rolled my eyes.

"Scott, what was it that we came back for?" Milly asked turning to look at him.

"This" Scott said getting out a bag of chips. I hit myself in the face.

"You have three seconds to run" Milly said.

"Dont tell me twice" Scott said and threw the chips to Riley. "Protect those with your life"

Then he was running and Milly started chasing him. We all followed and when they were both to tired to run we all sat on the floor in a dark hallway.

"So, now what?" i asked.

"Well, we should probably find somewhere to stay till Monday" Riley said.

"Ugh! I have to live with you guys till Monday" Milly said.

"Its not that bad- Idea!" i said.

"What?" everyone said and i just got up.

"Follow me!" i said and began to jog down a few hallways. I could hear there foot steps behind me and when i got to the school pool i kicked off my shoes and threw my socks aside before jumping in. We were still in our gym cloths so it was fine. I spent a few seconds under water before going back up. "Hey"

"What were you thinking?" Milly asked.

"That we could hang out in here till we figure out what to do" i said.

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