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"So there i was flying above the city" Georgei said telling us about his dream while we walked to school. "but when i woke up, i couldnt fly"

"Thats like the dream you had where you were dating Madonna, but when you woke up, you werent" i said.

"Exactly" Georgie said "you ever have the ones where your teeth are falling out? Better my teeth than my hair, but....."

He was about to continue when he saw Sheldon gone.

"Where'd Sheldon go?" i asked.

"Sheldon?" Georgie asked.

"Over here" his voice came from behind the garbage cans. We walked over to him but didnt crouch like he was.

"Hiding" Sheldon said.

"From who?" Georgie asked.

He just looked at Billy from next door who was getting in his dads car.

"Is Billy the one who's giving you trouble?' i asked.

"No" Sheldon said still looking in the direction. He was now looking at Billys dad.

"Billys dad?" i asked.

"No" again, he was still looking in that direction.

Billys little sister then came into view.

"No" Georgie said in disbelief.

"She's a demon" Sheldon said.

"She's five" i said, completely guessing her age.

When at school we meet up with the others and Georgie made sure they didnt know about Sheldon getting bullied by a five-year-old girl.

"We need to do something impressive" Riley said out of the blue.

"Like what? Jump off a roof again?" Georgie asked.

"No thank you, that hurt a lot last time" i said.

"What about we try to ........ be attached to someone for 48 hours" Scott said.

"I dib's Lacey!" Milly yelled hugging her sister.

"Aw" i said.

"I dib's Riley!" Scott yelled.

"Aw!" i said looking at Georgie who was laughing at my reaction. "But hes a boy"

"You two hang out all the time, now you'll just be attached" Milly said.

"Can it be for 24 hours instead?" i asked.

"But, thats just being lazy" Riley said.

"Ugh! Fine" i said "how the hell am i supposed to sleep?"

"Your just gonna be duck taped together by the leg" Scott said.

"But-the-no" i said.

"Its only for two days, you'll live" Georgie said and i groaned.

"Fine, but you are not allowed to annoy me or else" i said.

Scott went off to get the duct tape and when back he taped my left ancle to Georgie's right.

"This is gonna be interesting" i said. "Now i get to tape you Scott"

I took it and taped Rileys entire left leg to Scotts entire right leg.

"Thats what you get" i said smirking at what i did.

"I'll do ours" Lacey said taking the tape from me and taping her ancles to Millys.

"What about we do this for as long as we can!" Scott said. "It could last weeks, months, maybe even years-"

"No" we all said at the same time.

"Fine" Scott said rolling his eyes.

"The little Sparks girl?" George asked as we sat at the Coopers house after school. We were sitting at the kitchen table with George, Meemaw, and Mary.

"Your kidding. She seems so sweet" Mary said.

"He said she slaps him around, takes his lunch money. She even put a tadpole down his shirt" Georgie said.

"Poor kid, he tucks un those shirts" Meemaw said.

I tried not to laugh at the mental image but quickly stopped myself.

Two days later:

"Left, right, left, right. No, my right, your going left" i said as we tried to walk through the halls.

"I'm sorry, but you are making this much harder than it needs to be" Georgie said.

"Whats hard about it?"

"The fact that my left is attached to your right" he said and i sighed but then i saw the others a few steps away.

"Worst idea every Scott" Milly said when we arrived.

"Truly your worst idea ever" i said.

"I get it, i get it. I'll cut the tape" Scott said and got out scissors. When he cut me and Georgies i jumped away from him and danced around.

"I'm freeee!" i said and looked at Georgie before putting a hand on his shoulder "No offence"

"None taken" he said.

Words: 717

pages: 2

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