4: The van

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I honestly don't know how I ended up here on a Saturday afternoon. I would love to start from the start but at this point I don't know when the start is.

Uh, February.

February was home to visit us for the weekend and to be honest he had visited more than January. January and February had cut off all connections from our parents and only now talked to me and my siblings. February only talked to them when he came to visit me and my siblings and January hadn't stepped foot in the house since she left, only seeing us when we went to her house. I couldn't blame her; our parents had taken advantage of her since she was young and she didn't deserve that. I was very happy that now January and February could live their lives free of mom and dad and could just have fun like they should have while growing up.

Anyway, February told me, March, and April to go spend the first day of summer break having fun and doing whatever we wanted while he looked after the rest of our siblings. I went straight to Georgie's house with no complaint and a lot of thank you's to my brother. When I got to the Cooper house though I saw Georgie sitting in the front seat of a van that I had never seen out here in the whole of my existence.

So, I went up to the window and knocked. He looked up from where he was listening to the radio and putting some things in the compartments of the car. I stepped back a bit and he opened the door.

"I have quite a few questions" I said.

"Thought you would" he said. "Come with me"

He then started walking towards the back door and slid it open to show a space that had two comfortable chairs to sit on, a mini fridge, and a couch.

"Nice" I said as I looked around. He got in and sat down in one of the chairs while I sat down in the other.

"Well? What do you think?" Georgie asked as I continued to look around.

"It's got potential" I said, nodding slightly. Knowing Georgie he would do whatever it takes to make this place livable. Plus, we could get the others and take this out to go on holidays or just to hang out in general. I then saw something in the corner. I squinted a bit to see it was a dead spider. "But it's also a little gross"

"It just needs a little shampoo. But check out the best part" Georgie said and moved to the couch. He pulled out the bottom to make it fold out into a bed. He then sat down and smiled at me before saying "Want to try it out?"

"In front of your parents house?" I almost laughed. I didn't see myself doing anything in this van for a long while.

"That's what's so great. We can drive it anywhere" Georgie said. "Empty field, abandoned parking lot"

"That doesn't sound like the worst idea, but we also need to make sure that this place is cleaned out because I am starting to get a headache from that smell. Actually, what is that smell?" I asked.

"There was a mouse in the mini fridge" Georgie said and my eyes widened a little bit.

"Georgie! That's gross" I said.

"Did you hear me? There's a mini fridge!"

"I need a break from this van" I said and opened the door.

"We can't go into the house" he said.

"Why not?"

"I got in a fight with my dad about the van and now I'm living in it"

"That is unfortunate"

"Not really, now I have this whole place to myself!"

"Well, that's one way to look at it" I said "But what are you gonna do if you need to use the bathroom?"

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