2: Oh no

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"Movies" Milly said when she arrived at the table.

"Can you translate that for me?" i asked.

"We should all go to the movies" she said and she gave me a look and i remembered the sleep over and how Lacey said she liked Riley.

"Yes!" i said and smirked at Lacey who was looking at us like we were crazy.

"Uh, yea sure" Riley said.

"Lets do it" Scott said.

"All right" Georgie said.

"Then its planned!" Milly said happily and began to rub her hands together like a villain in a movie.

A week later we were in the car on the way to the movies. I was riding with Lacey and Milly.

"I cant believe you guys are taking us to the movies" Lacey said.

"I said i would try and get you guys with your crushes so thats exactly what I'm doing" Milly said.

"Ugh" Lacey said putting her face in her hands.

When we arrived we all went inside to get the popcorn and went to our seats. When at our row Scott sat down, then Riley sat down and Georgie was about to sit down but Milly stopped him.

"Wait! Uh, i think you should sit with May, this is a scary movie after all" Milly said and i gave her a glare but played along.

"Yea, i might get scared, could you sit with me?" I asked and he shrugged and sat beside me. Milly took the seat on the other side of me and so Lacey had to sit next to Riley.

"You two are evil" she whispered to us.

"No, I'm evil. I got you both next to them. Point one Milly" Milly said.

"You hate horror movies" i said.

"And one point is gone" she said as the lights went out and the movie began. "Shit"

After the moves i was at Georgies and was sleeping over.

"Turn it off! You have played the same song ten times" i said while lying on his bed and putting a pillow over my face.

"But my mom took my other CD's away" Georgie said and i pulled the pillow off my face.

"Then lest do something besides listen to music" i said.


"Go watch tv?"

"Lets go" he said shrugging and we both quickly walked to the living room. We saw Sheldon was watching a space show and Georgie picked up the remote "I'm not watching this crap" then he turned it to another cannel. We both sat down on the couch and i was beside Georgie since he sat right dead center in the middle.

I looked over at Sheldon who was praying?

"What are you doing?" i asked him.

"Suppressing my emotions" Sheldon said.

"Oh yea? Suppress this" Georgie said then put his face closer to Sheldon so he could burp in his face.

"Ew, Georgie, your disgusting" i said and moved so that i was sitting next to Sheldon on the arm of the couch.

The next day a girl called Paige came over to hang out with Sheldon so i was sitting outside with Georgie, Missy and Paige's sister. Me and Paige's sister were sitting on the swings while Georgie stood next to me and Missy was sitting near us while brushing her dolls hair.

"What grade are you in?" Georgie asked Paige's sister.

"Eighth" she said. "You?"

"Tenth" Georgie said.

"Cool" she said.

"Nobody asked but fourth" Missy said.

"Tenth" i said.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before Missy spoke up.

"Why do parents do this? They love to stick random kids together and expect them to just be friends" Missy said.

"I know. I hate that" the sister said.

"Fresh Prince is right. Parents just dont understand" Georgie said.

"I love that song" the sister said and looked at Georgie with a look i hated so much.

"I have a cassette of it, but i recorded it off the radio" Missy said. "You can hear Sheldon in the background saying stuff about Sir Isaac Neutron"

"Ugh, my sisters always talking about him" the sister said. "I dont know why. I think he's dead"

"You have no idea how much it sucks to have a brother like him" Georgie said "believe it or not, he's in my class"

"My parents sent Paige to a private school" the sister said.

"Cool. We're too poor for that" Missy said.

Another quiet few seconds before the sister broke it.

"Does Sheldon make you feel stupid?"

"Nah, i'm smart in other ways" Georgie said.

"Me too" Missy said.

"Hey, i saw an old TV in the alley. Want to go throw rocks at it?" Georgie asked.

"Lets do it" i said standing up at the same time Missy said 'Hell yea!' and the sister said 'cool'.

We then all quickly walked towards the door in the fence.

When at the old TV we tried to break it with rocks but it wouldnt work.

"Dang it, the screen wont break" Georgie said.

"Bet it'll break if we blow it up" the sister -also known as Erica- said pulling out a small bomb. She walked up to the screen with it and Missy whispered to us-

"I love her" i rolled my eyes a bit.

She tried to light it for a while and it wouldnt work.

"You got any matches?" Erica asked.

"Be right back" Missy immediately said and ran off.

"While she's gone do either of you wanna make out?" Georgie asked and i looked at him wide eyed.

"Sure" Erica said and i gave her a surprised look.

"Coming Missy!" i called and ran towards the house. I didnt want my first kiss with Georgie to be like that. And also, didnt want to see them kissing.

When we got back with the matches i saw them kissing and i guess i got a little angry because i quickly went up to the TV and lit a match.

"Everyone get ready" i said and before i knew what the hell i was doing, i had put the fire to the bomb. I quickly ran back to the others and before i knew it i heard a bang and the tv had exploded.

"Holy crap!" Missy yelled.

"Oh my god!" i said.

"Good job May" Georgie said.

And that is when George came out to the alley.

"Oh no" i mumbled.

Words: 1,085

Pages: 2.8

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