9) Changes

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'I don't know what to do...' That is the one sentence that has been going through my head since my parents came to the house and announced they were no longer going to give us money. Its the next morning and I feel numb, this doesn't feel real. How could something like this happen to me?

I heard my alarm clock go off and I just continued to lay there for a few seconds before slowly getting out of bed. I got changed into something simple, just some shorts and a random shirt. Once I was ready I quickly woke up everyone and I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast while April got the younger kids dressed for school/ daycare (depends how old they are) and March was making lunches for everyone.

Some people might think, why don't you get your clothes and lunches ready the night before? Well my answer is that I am 15 and so is March and April is 14, we still need to do homework and look after seven kids so we don't have the time or energy to get lunches or clothes ready the night before.

"So, what are we going to do with the whole money thing?" March asked, breaking the silence that we had as we stood in the kitchen.

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe I can skip school today and hand in some applications to a few jobs. I already have a job at Dales store so if I get another then I should be able to pay for some stuff, you already have a job and so does April. Maybe if we put all our money into a jar then we can save up for stuff we need" I suggested as I poured a few bowls of cereal and I went over to the couch where April put December and I picked him up, put him in his high chair and I started to feed him.

"I can try and get another job too" March said as he continued to make everyones lunches.

"But we can't just leave April here to take care of everyone" I pointed out.

"It doesn't help that everyone besides you, me, and April are twelve and younger" March said and I nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we could ask January for help" April said as she entered the kitchen.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, since she didn't have any kids following her.

"On their way down" April said.

"No, we can't ask January for help" March said, getting back to the conversation before. "She's living a happy, carefree life now. She doesn't need us to barge in and ask her for help"

"What about February?" April asked.

"Same thing" March said with a shrug.

"We can't just sit around and do nothing!" April said.

"It's fine, I can get another job and ask Dale for more shifts. I mean... Georgie and Scott can pull off skipping so it can't be that hard" I said with a shrug.

"May thats not fair on you, what about school?" March asked.

"We don't have another choice, I can do it" I said and finished feeding December. "March, can you take December to childcare today?"

"Yea, no problem" March said and picked up December from the highchair and grabbed his bag before walking towards the door.

"Thank you!" I called out to him and now it was just me and April.

"We need a car" April pointed out.

"No money, also me and March aren't old enough" I said since we had all been taking the bus everywhere.

"Life sucks" she mumbled and grabbed her bag before walking out the door as well. I sighed and pushed some hair out my face. None of the others had come downstairs yet so I decided to use my time wisely and I went to one of the closets and grabbed out a empty jar. Well, it used to have beads inside it, but now its empty since I put all the beads in a random drawer and hoped it wouldn't cause trouble later. I then grabbed all the money from my room and put it in the jar, now we had somewhere to put money that could go towards paying for bills and food and other things we need.

Oh My God (Young Sheldon)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang