2: Part 1 ~From how hes catching, i agree~

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Milly: Power by Little Mix

AHEM! Everyone listen up! This isnt that interesting of a chapter but it is LONG AS HELL!!

This chapter is not edited:

"You know when people speak Paris?" Scott asked.

"Are you trying to say French?" Lacey asked looking up from her book- we are both reading a brothers Grimm book and she was reading Rapunzel- as she looked across Milly and Riley at Scott.

"I'm pretty sure its Paris" Scott said and Lacey rolled her eyes.

"Imbécile" Lacey said.

"That means idiot in French, right?" Georgie asked.

"Oh my god" Lacey said putting her face in the open book. I smiled and went back to reading my book which was still Beauty and the Beast.

"Who cares if its Paris or French? Today is important" Milly said happily.

"Why are you so happy?" i asked.

"Well, today is the school basketball team try outs!" Milly said happily. "I am going to do everything in my power to get in.... speaking off"

She then turned to Scott and gave him an innocent smile while giving him puppy dog eyes.

"No" Scott said.

"Please, your the team captain. Cant you just rig it a tiny bit?" she asked making her eyes even more pleading.

"You dont need me to. Your already really good" he said.

"Pleeeease" she said putting her hands together in front of her as if praying and leaning forward a bit so she could see him better from around Riley.

"No" he said and she dropped her fake smile and puppy eyes.

"Fine" she grumbled.

"Everyone quiet down" the teacher said, and we all looked up, except for Lacey. "Abigail Baker?"

"Here" Abigail said.

"Georgie Cooper?" she called.

"Here" he said sounding very tired.

"You dont sound enthusiastic today" i commented.

"Sheldon Cooper?" she called.

We all looked at the empty seat and were all shocked.

He. Missed. A. Day. Of. School.

"But...... but thats not possible" i whispered to Milly.

"The world is about to explode" she whispered back.

"George where's your brother?" the teacher asked.

"I dont know" he said sounding like she should have known the answer.

"Good enough for me" the teacher said and me and Milly tired not to laugh at how much she cared about Sheldon. "Melissa Dixon?"

"Here" she groaned as she put her head on the table.

"Lucas Finnigan?" she called.

"He's home sick" his sister Anny said.

"Anny Finnigan?" the teacher called knowing she was there.

"Here miss" she said sitting up straight and smiling at the teacher.

"Lilly Gilmore?" the teacher called.

"Here" she said.

"Lacey Haros?" the teacher called.

"Here" Lacey said popping her head out the book.

Oh My God (Young Sheldon)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें