2. Stress

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September 19th, 2020

I was woken by a staff member and told to get ready for a tour around the Bighit building. They also gave me a camera. Manager mentioned something about a little show about Enhypen&Hi so I guess it's that.

I was pretty quick at getting up and washing my hair. I dried it and fixed it nicely before applying some light makeup and slipping into a clean outfit. I was blank minded the whole time and moved like a zombie.

My stomach painfully growled but I decided I'd eat something after the tour. It probably would go by fast, time seems to be slipping a lot faster than I'd like. Just yesterday it felt like I became a trainee.

Now I'm in a group soon to debut. I climbed up the stairs and snatched my phone from the charger. I checked for any notifications. Zero. I sighed and shoved my phone in my pocket.

As I took the last step off the stairs my manager slowly creaked the door open. I waved for him to come in. "Hey, we are leaving in five. Also here is my number." He said with a small smile. I nodded as a thank you.

Then he left. I opened my contacts and added him in typing a simple hello into chat. Suddenly I was added into a group chat. A whole bunch of unsaved numbers.

The manager was in the chat though. He said this,

This is the Enhypen group chat for you guys.

But I didnt know any of the numbers. I didn't know who was who. Until they started speaking.

Ayyy Jay in building

Wait is Jeongmi the unsaved number?

I would guess so.

I felt embarrassed that they didnt know my number but I guess that's my fault really. Then a random number texted me. It was one of them.

Heyy this is Jay!

Jay. Him and Sunoo are the only true nice ones I've met so far. The about six other unsaved numbers texting me. They were all of the other boys simply saying hi and who they were obviously.

Then manager said in the group chat that it was time to leave. I slipped my shoes on as I was getting out the door and nearly rammed into Jungwon. He apologized quickly. I bowed to hint that it was fine.

He quickly walked away and the other members were all piling out of the door pretty fast. I was kind of just watching in amusement. The manager was waving for us at the end of the hall. The last one out was Heeseung and I quietly followed behind him.

Me and him had more...bad memories than good ones due to his constant snapping at me. I guess its not really different from other people though. Depends on who we are talking about.

Manager lead us to the small bus and gestured for us to get in. I was last in obviously and I sat on the left by the window. Heeseung was sat beside me. I went to my casual staring out the window. As some like Jungwon and Jake made small talk.

All they kept talking about was I-land. It's getting annoying to listen to. The others were either dozing off or listening to music. I left my headphones at my sisters. I'll have to get them later.

Now I'm stuck listening to their blabbering about I-land. A headache was quick to grow. It sent waves of pain across my skull. I did my best to ignore it and looked out at the buildings outside. The people walking along the sidewalks.

I wish I was alone. I'm in the mood to be alone. Then again when am I not. I've grown to comfortable with it to the point that's all I want. I don't think that's healthy is it? Theres nothing I can really do though.

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