13. Again

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October 3rd, 2020

Heeseung looked like he was about to say something but then stayed quiet. After a small pause of silence he finally broke the still air. "Just get rest. We have work tomorrow." He spoke rather quietly.

Before I could register his words he got up and left. I watched him go. I breathed steadily, the air escaping my mouth. I let out a huff and got up myself, going to my dresser and slipping on some pajamas.

I climbed up the stairs and put my phone in the charger. It was only 8:15pm. I grabbed my laptop and watched movies for a while. I have a odd few days ahead of me.

October 10th, 2020

Work has been as unbearable as ever. Heeseung's corrections in dance practice are pissing me off. Hes correcting me for nothing most the time! My shoulders have been pretty relaxed lately so I dont get what his problem is.

Staff hasnt been nice either. During a shoot we did, our makeup stylist kept snatched my head around. Staff were snappy with me and some would roll their eyes at me if I looked at them. I did my best to ignore it but it truly bothered me.

What had I done? I mean I dont remember doing anything wrong. Besides that, I still havent been invited to any dinners or anything with the other members. Heeseung has been ignoring me again. Of course.

I figured that would happen. Meanwhile I told Xiao Jun I only wanted to be friends. He was fine with it I suppose and still talks to me like a good friend. Today I've decided that I should go shopping for some stuffed animals.

Ever since I've gotten Soha I've been dieing to get some stuffed animals. I'll try inviting Sunoo and see if he wants to come with. So that's what I did. I texted him and it was only a few minutes later did he respond with a yes.

I told him to be ready in 15 and we would go to a shop toys that I knew was close by. I switched into some cute clothes that fit the weather well. I put my mask, grabbed my wallet and phone then waited outside of my dorm.

Sunoo didnt take too long and was out of his dorm within about 5 minutes. We waltz down the street, Sunoo talking and laughing. I giggled and listened to his every word.

We stepped into the shop and immediately began to look around at all the cute options for stuffed animals. I'm sure we were in there about 30 minutes.

I showed Sunoo a cute fox plush that looked like him, he fell in love with it and bought it. I found a cute cat one and a seal. I was set to go and paid for mine then Sunoo paid for his. We both went back to the dorms and Sunoo gushed about the plushies the whole way there.

I thought they were super cute as well. I decided to name the cute cat plush Goun and the for the seal its Eun. Simple names but I'm not one to name things extravagantly.

I got into my dorm as Sunoo went into his. Now I have Soha, Goun, and Eun. I threw the new two plushies onto my bed, then I flopped onto my couch.

Now to sit and rot away. At this point I wasnt counting on anyone to come knocking. Especially not Heeseung. He could care less. Those few moments of joy were like ecstasy. Addictive, but unlikely to return again unless I put effort in to get it.

I huffed out a sharp sigh, my eyes heavy with sadness. I could feel the cotton of the couch pressing on my skin and my head seeping into its comfort. My breath was steadily escaping and returning to my lungs.

Everything felt slow. My brain began to hurt. I scoffed and sat up. I felt dizzy. I gripped my hair pretty tight, the strands sitting between my fingers. My breath staggered.

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