25. Sing

891 30 3

December 19th, 2020

Heeseung's been oddly nice lately. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Even at dance practice hes a lot nicer than usual. Funny enough, it makes me uncomfortable because that's not how he shows himself to me.

Meanwhile, I am currently still working on my siren-sounding skills. I'm certainly getting better. I decided yesterday to call Sunoo in to see how he liked it and he seemed astonished.

He kept on saying how much he loved it and how I had to show the others especially Jay. So today I texted Jay and asked him to come and share his opinions. Sunoo and.Heeseung ended up coming with.

Since Heeseung was there I was much more nervous about doing it. I cleared my throat and did some warm-ups. Then I showed them my improvements like I did Sunoo. Once I was done Sunoo and Jay began to clap.

Heeseung had a wide smile on his face. "That's the most enchanting thing I've ever heard in my life." Jay complimented. I bowed, smiling shyly. "I'm obsessed with it if I'm to be honest." Sunoo admitted, gushing a bit.

I bowed again. I looked at Heeseung for his opinion. "Like I said before, your voice is beautiful." I could tell in his voice that he was flirting a little. I nervously bowed and turned back to Jay and Sunoo.

"You should record it and show Engene. They would love it Jeongmi." Sunoo encouraged. I shrugged. I didn't want any more hate. "Cmon. Everyone would love a voice that sounds like a siren!" Jay exclaimed.

I'd have to think about it. After letting them talking for a bit more they ended up leaving, except Heeseung of course. He gestured me to sit by him. I obliged, though I was nervous.

I slowly sat down next to him, nearly holding my breath. I kept my eyes avoidant of his again. "Look at me." He ordered, voice low but soothing. Not sure of why, but I shook my head.

Heeseung grabbed my jaw and made me look at him. My breath ceased as well did my thinking process. Once I kept up eye contact with him, he let go of my jaw. His eyelids were rested with his mouth ever so slightly gaped open.

I finally let out a shaky breath and I could hear the blood pumping inside of me. "Are you scared of me?" He finally asked. That's not what I was expecting. Not sure what I was expecting but again, it wasnt that.

I shook my head. "Then why get so nervous around me?" He questioned again, moving a bit closer. Our faces were so close, making me grip onto my own leg. He glanced down at my tense grip and smirked.

He gently pushed my hand off my leg and held it against the edge of the couch. His skin was warm. My breath was still shaky and I just knew my face was red meanwhile Heeseung seemed fine.

I turned my face away from his and towards the TV. He was quick to move my face once again. A smirk was still present on his lips. Then he began to examine my body for a good minute.

Is he flirting? I wasnt sure of what to do. I'm still mad at him but for the love of jesus what is he doing to me? I bit back my lip as I watched his eyes travel over my body. Is he judging me? Perhaps admiring?

I hope hes admiring and not judging. I'm not sure of what there is to admire but everyone sees me differently I suppose. He finally looked back up at me. "If I said sorry again would you forgive me?" He inquired, staring down at my lips.

I shrugged. I suppose so, especially right now though. I think I was staring to sweat. Heeseung moved his face toward mine once again, the tips of our noses touching.

My breath hitched once more only to quickly restart. Oxygen escaped and entered through my nostrils quickly. "Calm down." Heeseung laughed, enjoying my state of flusteredness.

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