21. Thanks

865 32 33

November 28th, 2020

"Honestly I think we look better as a seven person group." Sunghoon said with glee. My stomach turned. I was drenched, freezing, and sick. That was seriously the last thing I wanted to hear.

"Dont say something like that Sunghoon." I heard Jay scold. I teared up. Now I really didnt want to go in and practice. Sunghoon was right. They'd be better off as seven not eight.

"Are you going in or spying?" Someone from behind me said. I spun around to face Yeonjun. I froze. He looked me up and down, examining the state I was in. "Perhaps you should change before going in there." Yeonjun smiled softly.

I glanced back at the studio my fellow members were in and then back at Yeonjun. I sighed, my bottom lip quivering. Yeonjun'd smile immediately dropped. "Did something happen?" He asked, stepping closer.

I shook my head and walked away quickly, going to look for a bathroom. "Jeongmi-" Yeonjun called out. I ignored him and quickly found a bathroom. I stepped inside, it was a single one.

I locked the door and threw my stuff on the floor. I began to sob and sink to the floor. I hated this stupid fucking company and I hated my group. I hated being stuck with people that hate me.

I dont want to relive this bullshit. I can't keep handling all of this. I hate myself for wanting to become an idol and I wish I NEVER auditioned. I'm not sure how long I was in there before someone was knocking on the door.

I didnt answer and they only knocked more. "Its me Yeonjun. Please open up Jeongmi." Hearing it was someone I wasnt familiar with, I wiping my tears and tried hiding my face with my soaked hair.

I slowly opened the door. I kept my eyes on the floor. There was more than one pair of feet Yeonjun obviously and I didn't know who the others were as I wasnt looking up at them.

"Why'd you cry? What happened?" Yeonjun asked, taking a small step forward. I took a step back. I turned around and grabbed my phone out of my bag. I opened it and began to type.

"For starters my staff 'forgot' me and left me to walk in the heavy rain causing me to me soaked and I kept getting lost on my way here. To make it better once I did arrive I heard one of my members say that the group would be better as seven." Then I showed Yeonjun.

He read carefully. I slowly looked up at him and he had a giant frown on his face. Yeonjun looked back at the two behind him. I slowly leaned and looked at who it was. Jay and Sunoo. They were already frowning.

Yeonjun took my phone and showed them what I said. I stood nervously, getting more uncomfortable from my drenched clothes that gripped on my skin. When the two were done reading it, Yeonjun handed me my phone back.

"I'm sure Sunghoon didnt mean it Jeongmi." Sunoo tried to reassure. I knew that was a lie. I scoffed and turned around. I shoved my phone back in my bag and zipped it up.

"Jeongmi please dont let him bother you. You should be on this team and deserve to be." Jay spoke next. I ignored his words and sat with my back facing them. Then I heard someone else walking up on us.

"What's taking so long?" Heeseung asked. "Shes soaking wet and she heard what Sunghoon said. Obviously, shes upset." Sunoo answered him quickly. My hair fell at the sides of my face, the whole world felt slow.

"Tell Sunghoon to apologize to her. You guys will never be a real team if you cant connect and work with each other. If one member goes then everything will change for the worse. Learn to care for others quick unless you wish to fail." Yeonjum scolded, then walked out.

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