9. Him

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September 24th, 2020

Me and Heeseung finished eating. I then grabbed my phone which was already opened to my notes. "Thank you Heeseung. I suppose you're tired?" I typed quickly and then showed him.

He grabbed my empty ramen cup and got up to throw it away after reading what I said. I stared at him waiting for an answer. "I took a nap while waiting for you to wake up so I'm fine." He responded after a while, then he sat back down on the bed.

He looked up at my hair and contained a laugh. I quickly brushed my fingers through it, blushing of embarrassment. "Uh, will you be alright on your own?" He asked shyly. No. I didnt want to be alone.

That's so weird to think though. To think I dont want to be alone when usually that's all I ever want. But I couldnt stand to bother Heeseung, so I nodded. "Alright. Be ready by 6am for our flight alright?" He said then left without another word. Now I was left in cold darkness all alone.

I fumbled for my laptop and pulled it out, quickly turning on some show so the loneliness didnt bother me so much.

September 25th, 2020

We were back in Seoul. The flight was silent and nobody really spoke to each other considering how early it was when we got on the flight. But now it was 3pm. I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. Alone.

The thing I was most comfortable with made me the most uncomfortable now. Loneliness. Then I heard a knock on my door. It has to be Jay or Sunoo! I flew off my bed and down the stairs. I skid to a halt infront of the door and took a deep breath, then swung the door open.

Dabin stared back at me with nervous eyes. My shoulders dropped. "Jeongmi can I talk to you. I wont ask for a response but I will ask for you to listen. Please." She pleaded desperately. The light from my eyes left.

Then I nodded. I really didnt want to but I let her in. We sat on my couch. "Listen. I want to deeply apologize. You've been my only bestfriend since middle school. Though we didnt talk to each other for a while there wasnt a day that didn't go buy where I hadn't thought of you. Jeongmi you are an amazing girl. Even if you dont talk anymore I dont care. Being around you is enough to bring one comfort. I'll even avoid your members if that makes you happy. They seemed a little 'thirsty' if you know what I mean." She explained thoroughly.

I thought for a good second. If I'm honest, I dont want to be her friend. I know shes lieing when she says I'm her only friend. Theres been many idols and other models I've seen say that they are very good friends with her.

I can see in her snake eyes she only wants me for my members. I've been getting good at seeing peoples true intentions. I follow my gut and it's always right. Even if you hate your body it will be your bestfriend no matter how much you hurt it.

That's a true bestfriend. Not Dabin. I snatched out my phone and opened my notes. I typed in, "I appreciate your apology but I still dont want you as a friend. I'm sorry." Then I showed her.

I saw her face go from a fake sympathy look to anger. "HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT?! UGH! I'VE TRIED APOLOGISING AND YOU WONT ACCEPT?!?!" She began to scream at the top of her lungs.

I got up and began to back up, unsure of how to handle this. "NO FUCKING WONDER YOUR PARENTS NOR SISTER EVER WANTED YOU! YOU'RE IMPOSSIBLE TO REASON WITH!" Dabin continued to scream.

I bumped against the door on the small closet next to the bathroom as Dabin got up and came closer. Her words stung like a thousand wasp. How could someone say something like that? My heart shattered.

This is not the Dabin I knew. The one I knew was such a sweet and loving girl. Who is this? Then there was knocking on my door. I ran for the door. Dabin was trying to pull me away from it, but I was somehow a bit stronger and pulled the door open.

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