14. Unbelievable

977 37 7

October 10th, 2020

Then a girl walked in and Heeseung, Niki, Dabin and Sunghoon all looked towards her. It was Haena. Haena squealed and walked over to Dabin and they hugged. I teared up immediately.

"E-excuse me I need to use the restroom." I said rather quietly, then I grabbed my phone and nearly ran to the bathroom. I dove into a stall and began to barf. After a minute of barfing up my lunch, I leaned against the wall.

I began to cry silently. I tried so hard to keep it down just incase someone walked in. I let a few sobs slip, but not many. I began punching my knees in anger at myself. You stupid bitch you should have just left!

I flushed the toilet and walked out as I had gained most my composure. I needed to get out somehow. I wiped my tears and then grabbed my phone out. I texted Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun, if you arent busy please come get me at **** Cafe. I'll have to explain later.

Are you alright?

Not really. Please just be quick.

Dont worry I'm on the way.

I held back my tears that still wanted to be released. I got angry and kicked the trash can hard. Since it was a metal one, it got a dent. I didnt really cared. I was so angry at myself and them. Rage was fueling my negative feeling.

I punched the brick wall over and over, just wanting to feel something besides anger. After I let my anger out on the wall, I slowly took my hand away. My knuckles were stinging and bleeding.

There was even blood on the wall. I let out a small painful squeal, then I ran over to the sink. I washed the blood from my hand. The water stung my knuckles even more.

Someone then walked into the bathroom, looking frantic. It was a worker, the cashier matter of factly. I stared at him through the mirror. He looked at the trashcan and then the wall.

Sadness crossed into his eyes. "Uhm...what happened?" He asked breathlessly. I didnt answer, keeping my head down. I turned off the sink and snatched some paper towels.

"The whole cafe could hear the noise going on in here." The cashier spoke softly. I paused but refrained from making eye contact. I held the paper towel over my knuckles, some blood seeping through.

I heard my phone buzz. That must be Xiao Jun. Threw the paper towel away and pulled out my phone, my hand still throbbing. He was here. I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

I snatched off my tear-stained mask and threw it away. I walked out of the bathroom and into the main area. Everyone was already staring. Then Haena, Dabin, Heeseung, Niki, and Sunghoon all froze.

Realization hit their face. I could feel blood running slowly down my hand. I walked outside, trying not to get blood on the door. Xiao Jun was in his car right infront of the building.

I ran to the passenger side and jumped in. "Jeongmi your hand..." Xiao Jun's voice trailed off. I didnt answer and Xiao Jun got the gist and started to drive to my dorm.

When we arrived, I jumped out the car and ran inside, Xiao Jun quick to follow. We both made it to my dorm and I used my other hand to type in the code. We flew in and I flung into the bathroom.

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