26. Cold

843 31 1

December 20th, 2020

I panicked and grabbed my pants, slipping them on as fast as possible. I heard the door open just as I finished fitting my pants on. Shit shit shit. I grabbed my shirt. It was all inside out.

I flipped it the correct way as fast as I could, hearing Heeseung approaching. "Jeongmi?" He called out. I wasnt going to be able to get it back on in time. I draped it over my torso and held it so it didnt fall. Heeseung walked up, confused.

"Uhm why is your shirt not on?" He asked, laughing nervously. I motioned for him to turn around and he did. I quickly put my shirt on, already uncomfortable by the fabric rubbing on my skin.

I got up and walked past Heeseung, going and sitting on one of the island chairs. Heeseung walked up behind me and placed my food down for me then sitting beside me. He took his own food out and got us utensils.

I was hungry but my body overheating was making me extremely uncomfortable. I didnt want to eat anymore due to it. I stared down at my food as Heeseung began to eat his.

He glanced over at me then sighed and paused his eating. He turned to me. "Jeongmi. It's ok just eat it." He assured quietly. I hesitated but picked up my chopsticks and began to eat it leisurely.

He also went back to eating. Within a few minutes he was done but I still had half a waffle left. Heeseung was watching me now. That made me put the chopsticks down.

I was growing more and more sick, my body aching in warmth. "You dont have much left. You can finish it." Heeseung comforted. He thinks this is about the food. I got up and went over to the couch, grabbing my phone off it since I had left it there yesterday.

I walked back over to Heeseung and sat in my seat. I opened my phone and began to explain. "Its not the food Heeseung. My body just feels overheated therefore making me feel more sick than the hangover originally made me." Then I gave my phone to him so he could read.

Once he scanned over the words he handed my phone back to me. "So that's why you had your shirt off. I mean you can change if you want, maybe take your clothes off if you need to. I wont mind." Heeseung responded with a small smirk.

I hit his shoulder, my ears growing red. He chuckled and nudged my arm. I grabbed my phone off the table and began to type once more. "I'm not going to walk around half-naked with you in here Heeseung but if you dont mind to not look while I'm changing then I will do that." Then I slid the phone to him.

His smirk widened. "I can leave if you want." He offered, handing me my phone back. I didn't want him to so I shook my head. He smiled. "Alright, go change then." Heeseung told. I got up and hopped over to my dresser.

I glanced back and Heeseung had his back turned to me. I pulled out some shorts and a tank top. Somewhat risky but it'll do. I quickly changed, glancing back at Heeseung every once in a while.

He never looked back. I grinned. At least he was respectful. Once I finsihed changing, I hesitantly walked back over to my chair and sat down. Heeseung paid no mind while he was scrolling on his phone.

I felt more free and less warm now that more of my skin was free. I continued eating, a bit faster than before. Once I finsihed, I put the plastic container in the trash. I glanced at Heeseung who was watching me.

I quickly looked away and walked over to the couch, grabbing my phone off the island. Heeseung followed like golden retriever. Once I sat down, it was only seconds later did Heeseung sit next to me.

I found it kind of cute. Just a few days ago I was saying how much I hated him and then here we are. I turned some music on the TV and layed down, staring blankly into space like always.

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