19. Everything

898 31 3

November 11th, 2020

"Why are you covering your face?" Heeseung asked, tugging on my shirt. I heard him take another swig of the soju and then place it on the coffee table. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up to sit straight.

He then sat beside me tried to pull my hands from my face. I eventually gave in and sighed, leaning back. "What's wrong?" He asked, watching me carefully.

I shook my head, staring up at the ceiling. He chuckled and leaned back with me so now both of us were staring up at the ceiling. Then there was a knock on my door. I shot up immediately.

I jumped over Heeseung and flew to the door. Heeseung was quick to follow. I cracked it open and looked at who it was. Xiao Jun. Oh no. "Hey Jeongmi! Is everything alright?" He asked.

My eyes darted from side to side as I was unsure of what to do so I ended up just nodding. "I wanted to apologize for ignoring you the way I have been. I just didnt want to make you uncomfortable after we kissed." Xiao Jun admitted with a small frown.

I nodded and smiled so he would hurry up and go. I appreciate his apology but now isnt a good time. I felt Heeseung trying to pull me away so he could see who it was. "May I talk to you? Inside?" Xiao Jun asked.

"Yah Jeongmi who is it?" Heeseung whined loudly. Xiao Jun froze and so did I as a look of disbelief entered his face. Xiao Jun pushed the door open and met eyes with Heeseung.

"Jeongmi isnt this the guy that's been mean to you? What's he doing here?!" Xiao Jun asked, getting a little angry. I waved my hands for him to stop but he didnt listen. I turned and looked to Heeseung who suddenly seemed awake and defensive.

"Mean to her?! Bullshit! I'm trying to make sure she doesnt hook up to crazy guys that kiss someone only minutes after meeting one another!" Heeseung snapped. Oh come on man. I dont want to deal with this while I'm far from sober.

"Excuse me?! At least I dont straight up bully someone because they dont talk! I tried to be kind to her because you wouldnt! You hurt her and I tried to help her!" Xiao Jun protested, balling up his fist.

Heeseung scoffed and looked at me in disbelief. I got scared. Very scared. I didnt want a fight to break out and the arguing was overwhelming me. "You say you tried to help her but I didnt know ignoring someone for days on end was helping." Heeseung snarled at Xiao Jun.

"As if you dont ignore her for days on end to! You're such a hypocrite. You're old enough to know that doing the things you do to her are not acceptable!" Xiao Jun shouted. Then they got close as if about to hit one another.

I shoved myself between them and tried to push them apart. Xiao Jun grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me away. I yelped in suprise and in pain at his tight grip. They both got surprised and looked back at me.

I yanked away, now frustrated. Of course this happens when nobody else is here to help me and speak for me. I'm at a big disadvantage here and I dont know what to do. I was loosing my breath the more anxious I got.

I grabbed Xiao Jun's shirt and yanked him away as hard as I could, nearly making him fall. I put myself between them again, trying to take deep breaths. "Look now you're making her scared." Heeseung spoke with attitude.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm making her scared? You say that as if she's so comfortable around you when you snap at her all the damn time." Xiao Jun argued. Then there was frantic knocking on my door. I pushed Xiao Jun out the way and opened it.

Jay burst into the room with Sunoo and Jungwon. "What's with the arguing? I bet the whole hall can here you guys!" Jay exclaimed, walking up to me to stand between Heeseung and Xiao Jun.

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