32. Flaw

831 26 28

February 2nd, 2021

I was crying now. What did I do? Why'd he leave? I can't be alone, I mustn't! I got up and went to the kitchen with salty tears falling down my face. Maybe if I cooked food then it could distract me.

Plus, Heeseung would appreciate it if I cooked for him. I whipped out some ingredients for ramen and samgyeopsal. I cooked it a lot for me and my sister when we were younger since our parents never would.

Thankfully, I got focused into the cooking so I had stopped crying. It took a while, but I ended up getting everything done. Now to wait for Heeseung. If he takes too long then it will get cold.

I want him to eat it while it's freshly cooked. I whipped out my phone and texted him.

If you aren't too mad at me still, I cooked some food for you.

I placed my phone down and paced back and forth, waiting for his response. He didn't respond for a whole thirty minutes. The food was growing cold and I was growing more frustrated.

Then he finally texted me back.

I just ate with with Sunghoon and Jungwon...

I immediately broke into tears. I did all this for no fucking reason. This asshole! Why do I ever try for him?! I leaned against the counter, tears falling onto the cold marble.

I think I was standing there for a while as my door flew open. Arms wrapped around my waist as a body pressed against mine. "I'm sorry Jeongmi. I wouldn't have eaten if I knew you were cooking." Heeseung apologized, hugging me comfortably.

I whined, still crying. "I'm sorry love. Really, I am." He whispered, rubbing my stomach gently. I sucked up my tears and was about to wipe them but Heeseung stopped me.

He turned me around and wiped them away himself. "The others probably haven't eaten. You can invite them since you made quite a lot yeah?" Heeseung suggested.

I shrugged. He chuckled and pecked my forehead. "Reheat it. I'll invite them over." Heeseung then sighed softly and walked away to the couch.

I got flustered so I quickly began to reheat the food to distract myself from how flustered I was. I'm honestly tempted to ask him what we are.

Dating? Oddly close? On and off? Talking? Toxic? I'm not sure. Probably all of the above. By the time the food was ready once again, the members had knocked on the door. Heeseung answered and allowed them in.

I let everyone grab all they wanted while I sat on the couch, worn out from mixed emotions and pure confusion of what's going on around me. I'm so disconnected from reality it's insane.

Once everyone got their food, they gathered around in the living room and used the coffee table to place their food. Jake and Niki stayed at the island though.

After a few silent minutes of eating with just TV noise, Niki broke the silence. He turned around and looked at me and Heeseung then said, "Is the relationship going well?"

Everyone paused. "What?" Sunoo asked, staring blankly. "I thought Heeseung and Jeongmi were dating." Niki's voice grew a bit quieter as he seemed embarrassed now.

"Eat your food." Jay scolded. I heard Jake giggle as well as Sunoo. I flushed and tried to focus on the TV. Heeseung, who was sitting next to me, chuckled and nudged my arm.

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