3.New roomie

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(I've decided to update every Thursday now. Thank you.)

I glanced at the skull man.

"I'm not telling you this because I'm afraid of a little fire, I'm telling you this because it doesn't affect me in any way. I'm not loyal to them, their secrets aren't my secrets. I do what I have to do. I always have."

He turned the flame off, never blinking never looking away.

After a boring hour of questioning, I got restless.

"Hey, come on, let me go. I've done what you wanted." I began to squirm in my seat.

I got what I needed.

Mask is Ghost, Mohawk is Soap, hat man is Price and the other dude is Gaz.

"We still have more questions to ask."

"Sir, I don't think she'll be talking anymore. She's shutting down. She's still tired from the shot."

"That was rude by the way."

"Since when are you soft on an enemy of the state?"

"I'm not. I'm just reading her body language. She won't talk anymore."

"Need me to bring out the torch again?"

"No need, take her to her cell."

"Or you could just let me go."

I was untied and dragged off.

I didn't put up a fight since I felt it was in my best interest to cooperate.

"In here." Ghost pushed me into a small room. I glanced around as he closed the door.

There was a jug of water filled halfway and a toilet. Not much room for anything else.

"Can I at least get a book?"

I glanced over my shoulder.

"Make that water last you a month, you won't get more."

"Well damn, this feels like a crime."

"You got water and you'll get a meal once a day. Make it work." Ghost spoke through the door.

"If you behave, we'll even let you pick what you eat." Soap added.

"I won't be here that long, don't worry. I don't stay in one place for long. It's not my style. Plus it's dangerous."

"Oh trust, you won't be going anywhere anytime soon. And you're safe as a dog's favorite bone here." Price added.

"We'll see."

I flopped down on the hard floor and stared at my shoes.

How sad, I've been captured.

I wonder what will happen.

Will I be gutted?


They don't seem like those kinds of men, but then again.

They're men.

You never can trust those.

I wiggled my feet as I began to calmly think.

It's probably in my best interest to stay low and quiet for now. I don't think shrieking all night will do much good and banging and trying to escape will only tire me out.

Let's get some sleep.

There's not much I can do either way.

They took my phone so I can't tell the time either.

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, ready for an unrestful sleep.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now