52. I'm in pain

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I opened my eyes. I was laying on a bed.

I let out a grunt as I scrambled to my feet and fell.

"Makia!" I tried to stand but I was disoriented. "Makia!"

I looked around. I was back in my own room at base.

The door opened and I was blinded by the bright lights.

I squirted over to see who it was and saw him.

"Ghost. Where's Makia?"

"Tell me, and tell me the truth." Ghost walked over and crouched to my level. "Who's baby is it?"

I let out a dry laugh.

"It's not yours."

He let go of my arm and moved a step back.

"That's because I'm not really pregnant. I just said that to use the element of surprise to escape."

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on." He pulled me to my feet and dragged me out the door.

"I'm sorry Ghost. I told Makia I couldn't leave, I didn't want to but she...she was just trying to help me, okay?"

He kept his eyes on the hall in front of him.

"She's always been impulsive like that. I can't stop her once she puts her mind to something."

Ghost stopped me at a door and opened it.

"Makia!" I ran in and pressed my hands to the glass.

Makia was inside a small interrogation room with her hands tied behind her back.

She was bloody and bruised and I had a feeling I looked the same way.

"She can't see or hear you."

I turned to Price and got on my knees.

"Price, please. Makia had nothing to do with this. She was just... please! Let her go!"

"Who is she?"


"What's her last name?"

"She doesn't have one."

"Why not?" Sop asked.

"She threw it away."

"You can't just throw away your last name." Soap frowned.

"You can when your father is a piece of shit."

"How do you know her?" Gaz spoke up.

"She's...she's my little sister..."

"Little sister?"

"Yes. She escaped a year before me."

"Escaped?" Konig asked and I looked up at Ghost.

I couldn't repeat the story again.

He nodded and told the story, ending it with, "But I didn't know she had a little sister."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that, YN."

"I protected her...but I was never enough. I could never save her!" I said, tears slipping down my face and I was hiccuping.

"Oh, YN..." Soap said full of pity.

"Price, PLEASE! Just let her go. It was all me, okay? I called her, she didn't think it was a good idea! I threaten her and said that if she didn't help me, I'd kill her! She is innocent!"

"We can't let her go. She's still a criminal." Price grabbed his belt.

I cried and held my face.

"She won't work with you like I do. She despises men! Please, she's no use to you!"

"YN, please." Price rubbed his forehead.

"I'll do anything, I'll cooperate, I'll never try to escape, I'll be good!"

"I'll let you talk to her. But she's staying in the cell."

"Thank you, Price. Thank you."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now