5.You'll Dirty My Clothes

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(Y'all crazy for giving me five views in four minutes, wtf, thank you guys, I love you all.)

"Bye Soap..."

"Bye bye YN..."

We waved as Ghost dragged me by the shirt, out of the room, and into the hall.

"We were just dancing, I don't get what the big deal is!"

I got no response so I decided to push on.

"Why can't we just hang out? What's so wrong with me getting out and stretching my legs?"

He pressed the elevator button and waited.

"Can I stand up and walk? You'll dirty my clothes if you keep dragging me."

"God, you're such a child." He finally spoke and pulled me into the small elevator.

"Listen man, I-"

"Sir or lieutenant."


"You will call me sir or lieutenant. Not man, or dude, or anything of the sort. We are not friends."

"Damn bruh, chill."

He shot me a glare.

"Or sir, I don't know. You need to relax. Ever heard of not being so uptight? It'll cause an early death. That's why I let things go so easy. Cause I'm not gonna get held up in anger over something I can't do anything about. You should try it."

"I hate your type of people. Never caring, never taking responsibility, never getting off their asses! You're privileged."

"Absolutely not, I've been living in the streets since I was ten, I am not privileged, I just know how not to die!"

"I don't care, get in there and stay inside. Only come out if I let you out."  He tossed me in and slammed the door shut.

Well damn.

Guess my play day is over.

Privileged my ass.

I grew up in an awful home.

My father was part of the army but was let go when he kidnapped and raped a woman. The army didn't care, he just refused to let the woman go.

That's how I was born.

I remember sitting with my mother in the basement where she was chained up. I would be playing with my toy cars and dolls next to her and she would watch me silently.

I don't think she loved me, now that I think about it. I can't blame her of course.

She only spoke to me if she had to.

My father would only come get me if he wanted his "fun time" with me.

That pedophile.


So much for my fun.

They keep me locked in here even though I cooperate with all their demands.

It's like I'm some kinda criminal.

Well... I guess I am.

I hugged my knees to my chest and sighed.

I know Soap isn't really interested in being my friend.

It's just a good cop bad cop play they have going on.

Although Ghost really does hate me.

He's annoying anyways.

With that stupid little mask.

From what I can guess, it's 3 in the morning.

I should get some sleep.

Next morning

"Get up." I opened my eyes to see Gaz and Ghost.

I wanted nothing more than to pull the blanket Soap got me over my head I pushed myself to my feet.

I followed them out the door. Gaz grabbed my arm and I tried to shrug him off, but he tightened his grip.

"Good morning. I hope you slept well after your little adventure." Price smiled.

"No, not really."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Because today we're testing your fighting skills."

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