49. Las Almas

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"Makia, I can't! I can't leave them!"

"Shut up. I'm repaying my debt to you and helping you escape."


"Stockholm Syndrome!"

"No it's not!"

"Shut it! Bring the chopper to my location!" She ordered and soon I could hear it coming closer.

The setting was just dirt so when the chopper came to us, dust filled my mouth, nose, and eyes.

Holy fuck, this tastes horrendous.

Makia shoved me and I hesitantly began to climb up the latter.

"YN, it's good to see you again."

"Hey Stacy."

"It's good to have you back on the team."

I let out a sigh but smiled.

"It's good to be back.

"Where are we headed?"

"Las Almas."

"Why there?"

"They have bombass tacos."

"I'm so dead." I sighed sitting down.

"They aren't gonna find you. Just keep a low profile. What are the odds that they have friends in the one spot we're heading to?"

"They found me once."

"And you won't let that happen again, now will you?"

"No." I thought of Simon. I thought of Soap and Gaz and Price. I thought of poor Konig. How would they feel when they realize I'm gone? "I guess not."

We landed in Las Almas and I looked around.

A car full of cartel members drove past me as I walked through the street.

I'm exhausted.

I need to find a place to sleep.

After a few months, I had settled in nicely and frequented a bar near the house I got under a fake name.

"P, that guy has been looking at you for a while. Want me to kill him?" I looked over to see a man with a bigger forehead leaning against the bar.

Makia and I were sitting at a table with Stacy.

"So how long have you two been dating?" I asked ignoring her question.

"Since you disappeared."

"What, we're you scared I would protest? Why wait till I was out of the picture?" I joked and Stacy laughed.

"That man is still staring at you. And he has a friend."

I glanced over and saw another man with combed back hair.

The one with a bigger forehead smiled at me and waved.

I gave him a polite smile and went back to talking.

"Here you ladies go."

"What the fuck is this?" Makia asked as the bartender brought us shots.

"J, what the hell? Be nice!"

"That man over there bought you a round."

"No, it's okay, we'll- K! Don't drink that!" I gasped

"What? It's a perfectly good drink."

I sighed.

"I guess we have to take the drinks now."

"Put them down and fuck off." Makia waved him away.

"J! Thank you sir, you're to kind, really. And thank the men but we won't be taking any more drinks from strangers."

"Understood. Enjoy your nights ladies."

"J, I understand you despise men but you can't treat all of them like shit. They're still human."

"They can fuck off."


"Come on, babe, let's go dance!" Stacy pulled Makia to her feet and led her to the dance floor.

I smiled and watched the two dance.

I'm happy for them.

Makia deserves to be happy.


"Sorry, I don't speak Spanish." I lied and downed my drink as the forehead man walked over.

"That's okay, I speak English."

"Wow. Incredible. I'm so happy."

He chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you."

"Well no offense, but you kind of are."

"Alright, alright. Let's start out with introductions."

"Oh boy. How joyful."

"My name is Alejandro Vargas. What's your name?"

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