117. Now what

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I checked the hiding place and found the test.


I wanted to throw up.

But why?

This is what I wanted.

But suddenly it wasn't.

I don't want to raise a baby in a cheating household.

Stop it.

I took a deep breath and tried not to cry.

I threw away the stick and pushed open the door.


I nearly threw up when I heard Konig's voice.

"Leave me alone."

"You're not thinking straight."

"I am. This is going to fix everything."

"This won't change anything. You're being stupid."

"Please leave me alone."

"I'm not letting you do this."

"You don't own me. And stop sending me your evidence. I can't stand it."

"I thought you had more self respect than this."

I burst into tears and covered my face.

"YN? What's wrong?" Gaz walked up to me concerned. "Konig, what happened?"

"I don't know. She just started crying."

"Ghost!" Gaz called out.

"No!" I hissed.

It was to late when Gaz lowered his hand and looked at me, Ghost had already seen and rushed over.

"YN, what's wrong?"

I pushed past everyone and grabbed my bag before hurriedly heading out.

"YN! What's wrong?"

I ignored Ghost until he grabbed me and forced me to stop walking and to look at him.

I looked back and could see everyone a couple yards away at the door.

"I want a divorce."

Ghost's grip loosened.


"I'm pregnant."

"YN, that's great, why are you-"

"I can't do this. I can't raise a kid with a cheater. I can't do it!"


"Konig sent me everything! The nudes, the texts, videos of you talking to her, you meeting up with her, I can't! I thought I could have a kid with you and that you'd change but that's never worked with cheaters before. You can keep everything! You'd get everything since you're in the army and I'm just a criminal, keep EVERYTHING but I take the kids."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Slow down! What are you talking about?"


"YN, first off, I don't know what you're talking about or who you think I'm cheating on you with, but I'm not! And secondly, you are not taking my kids! Now talk to me, what do you mean Konig sent you evidence?"

I showed him my phone.

He took my phone to have a better look and I walked away, tears running down my face.

"YN, you can't really believe him over me!"

I kept walking.

"You can take everything but I'm taking the kids." I repeated.

"No! Kiara is my daughter too! The kid in you is my kid and I love them!"

"There's nothing you can say to make me stay."

We had walked all the way home and I unlocked the door before hurrying up the stairs.

I threw a bag of clothes and other things I needed before walking to Kiara.

She was sleeping but woke up when she heard us arguing loudly. 

"YN, let's talk about this! Everything is fake! Put her down!"

Kiara screamed as she was snatched from my hands and I glared.

"Give her back!"

"You're not taking my daughter!"

"She's mine! I brought her here! She's mine!"

"She's not an object! And you're not leaving me!"

Kiara screamed and tears ran down her red face.

"You're scaring her!" Ghost shouted.

"No, you are! Now give her back! And give me my phone!"


"You can't keep my phone! That's mine!"


"I'm calling Makia!"

"I'm definitely not giving it back now!"

"Okay, let's all calm down!" Price shouted and took Kiara from Simon.

"Hey!" We both shouted and tried to grab her but we were pushed back.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon