60. Inside

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(Yay, early chapter, yeah well that's because I need a HUGE favor from you all. If you have not already, go check out my new one shot and preferences book I'm writing. Feel free to request characters and plots. Like... please. I need requests. Badly. Alright, bye! Also, most people want a happy ending so majority wins.)

"How are you hard again?"

"I have a high sex drive."

"I can see, but I'm tired."

He nuzzled his head into my neck and sighed.

"Make it quick."

I grunted as he pushed in a finger and soon he was doing his thing while I shakily played games on his phone.

"Sleep inside me?" I suggested as he finished inside.

"I was thinking the same thing."

"What if I get pregnant?"

"Are you taking your plan B?"

"I am."

"Then we should be good. If it makes you feel better, I'll kick you in the stomach tomorrow and push you down the stairs."

I laughed so hard it hurt.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm perfect."

"Yes you are."

He leaned down and kissed my lips and I smiled.


Do I...

I can't love this man.

I can't.

So don't you dare say it.

I shut my eyes and pulled his head into my neck where he peppered me with kisses. I relaxed under his touch and fell asleep.

I think I do love this man.

I know it's too soon but I can't help it.

How unfortunate.

"You need to eat." I stared at Makia as she glared at me.

"Let me out."

"I can't. I don't have the key."

"Then go kill them and get it."

"Just eat."

"I can't believe you sided with men. What would everyone think?"

"I don't care what everyone would think. I'm trapped here too."

"If we called on them, they'd rescue us."

"We don't have contact with them."

"But you could contact me."

"I could. Makia, these men aren't as bad as the others. They're not like out seman provider. They're good people."

"They're war criminals."

"So are we."

"We don't engage in war."

"But we've committed war crimes."

"YN." Ghost and Price walked toward me.

"Oh, hey. OW, LET GO OF ME, STOP BITING!" I pulled my leg out from between the bars and Makia wiped the blood from her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Ghost asked helping me up off the floor from where I sat.

"I'm fine. Just a bit munched up."

"We're heading out on a mission."

"Ah, I'll go get ready."

"No, it's very easy. You can stay home and relax." Price said as Budge flew from his shoulder to mine.

"Oh. Well, thank you."

"Of course."

"Budge, give them a kiss goodbye."

I lifted her onto my finger and moved her to Price's cheek.

"MUAH!" She squealed and we laughed.

"Okay, now Ghost."

I moved her over and she stepped further onto my finger, away from him.

"Budge." I warned.

"Muah." She said then flew onto my head.

"Good girl!"

Ghost chuckled and Makia gagged.

"Alright. We'll be off now."

"You sure you don't need me? I could drive the car."

"Alright. Keep the AC on, it's gonna be hot today."

We made our way up and I got dressed, putting my gear on and fixing my hair.

I decided to skip the makeup since I wouldn't be the last thing people saw before they died.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now