30.Not Budge!

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Fuck it all, the cops left.

I yawned as I paced the room I was locked in with Budge.

"How could I be so stupid, Budge? I knew I shouldn't have come to this place! God damn it! We could have been eating tacos right now!"


I flopped on the bed and screamed into the pillow.

I felt Budge land on my head and start nibbling on my hair.

The door was unlocked and the two men appeared.

"Fuck off, I'm staying here. Your house is depressing. And you're an ass."

"Get up."

Ghost walked over and I buried my face into the pillow, yelping when I was yanked up and put on my feet.

"Ghost, if you want her to like you, you need to be nicer to her." Price grinned.

"I don't want her to like me."

"You know what I mean."

Ghost turned to look at Price with a curious look on his face.

"Can you let me go? You're stretching my shirt.

"Come on. We're leaving."

"Ow." I was pulled by my arm.

"Let her walk on her own."

"Yeah, let her walk by herself." I yanked my arm free and huffed.

"You're getting on my nerves."

"Run Budge! Every woman for herself!"

"TWEET!" She flew past me and we ran for the door.

I heard Price laugh as Ghost cussed and chased me.

I made it to the lawn before I was tackled.



Ghost tried to wave her off but she kept persisting, flying around his head and pecking at his exposed skin.

"Budge! You came back for me!"

"Tweet! Tweet!"


Ghost had had enough and pushed her aside roughly, hard enough to send her crash landing on the floor.

"Budge! No! Ow! Let me go!"


"You hurt her!"

"She was hurting me."

I reached for her, trying to pick her up from the floor as Ghost held me down. She was just out of reach.

"Oh dear. Looks like you went to far this time, Simon." Price picked her up and handed her to me.

I grunted as I tried to stand up.

Ghost finally got off me and I looked over my baby.

She seemed okay, just a bit stunned from the hit.

"She'll be alright. Buy her some millet and she'll be okay."

I glared at Ghost who just stared at me.

"Get in the car."

"No! I'm staying with Price! Fuck you, Ghost! Price, come on! Don't make me go back with him! He's such an ass! I'll clean your house for you!"

"I'm sorry, YN. Simon isn't that bad. You'll pull through."

"God damn it."

I made Ghost carry me into the car.

I let Budge nibble on my shirt as she chirped sadly.

We rode in silence. I was exhausted and Budge was still out of it.

I don't know how long it took us to get back to his house but I made a bee line for my temporary room.

I slammed the door and locked it, wanting nothing to do with that crusty musty dusty busty ugly ass wank off.

I placed a kiss on Budge's head before putting her in her nest.

"You're okay, baby. You're okay."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now