61. Captured

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(I think I just finished the last chapter of the book. Do you guys want me to publish everyday or keep publishing only three time a week? Also, I am starting a new Ghost x reader. Idk when it'll be published though. Just thought you guys should know. Okay bye.)

I watched them sneak into the building.

Damn. Ghost has a fat ass.

It's nice to look at.

I'll have to squeeze it later.

Soon the gun fire started and I played on Ghost's phone.

The door opened and I raised an eyebrow, keeping my eyes on the game, not wanting to lose.

"Back so soon?"


"Get out of the car."

I glanced over confused and was met with five men, all pointing guns at me.


I was yanked out of the car and hit over the head with a gun.

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair in a brightly lit room.


"Look at the camera."

"Wait, I'm not camera ready. I didn't do my makeup or hair."


I winced and looked up at the man.

"I said looks at the camera."

"Make me."

He punched me and held my head up to look at the camera.

"This is what you get for attacking my men."

"In my defense... I was just the get away driver."

"Woman should be seen, not heard."

"Bullshit. Men love hearing me be loud."

"I will cut out your tongue!"

"That's one way to shut me up."

He was growing increasingly frustrated with me.

This was not going the way he wanted.

"What, want me to beg for my life? Ask the men on the other side of the camera to save me?"

The man gritted his teeth.

"Let me tell ya, this isn't my first time being held captive. This is the worst hostage situation I've been in. Quite boring. I'm not much for being saved."

"Shut up!"

"Is this live?"

"I will put a bullet between your eyes!"

"That's okay. I won't mind. I'll be dead."

He hit me over the head with a gun and I grunted, spitting out blood.

"You know what, why is it that in every book, YN gets kidnapped and is all scared and waits to be saved!? I'm not waiting to be saved! I'm leaving!"

I stood up and threw myself against the man, breaking the weak wooden chair I was tied to.

I took the gun from the man and shot his brains out, shooting those who raced into the room.

I walked up to the camera and wiped the blood from my mouth and nose.

"I think I got a concussion. I think we're live. Anyways, I'm going to go find some tacos, you guys come find me."

I picked up a knife and worked my way out of the building.

"La la la la la."

I walked into the city and looked around.

They have to have a taco a place around here somewhere.

They have to or I'll die.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A couple stopped me and I looked at them.

"Oh, yeah. Do you know a taco place around here?"

"Ma'am, you're all cut up and bruised. You're trailing blood."

I looked behind me and saw blood drops.

"Huh. Anyways, any taco shops around?"

They pointed to a taco truck across the street.

"Thank you."

I dug around and found a 20 in my pocket.

"Ma'am, are you alright!?"

"I'll be better when I get some tacos."

"Should I call an ambulance? The cops?"

"No, I just want tacos."

I began to get annoyed.

God damn it, I just want tacos!

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