90. You're to late

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(TW: Miscarriage/depression)

I dangled from the ceiling.

Blood dripped down my body.

I was more focused on the blood dripping down my legs.

I winced from the deep cramps and I did my best to hold in the tears.

I shivered.

I think I have a fever.

My back is killing me.

My whole body is killing me.

"YN!? Where are you?"

I tried to lift my head.


"YN? Can you hear us?"


The doors burst open and I couldn't lift my head anymore.

I was in to much pain.


"My god, what have they done to you?" Price and Soap ran up to me.

Soap lifted my face and I coughed blood onto his face.


"Don't talk! We'll get you out of here and to medical in a jiffy!"

"I was..."

"Don't speak!"


Price paused his rope cutting and Soap tensed up.

"What?" Soap asked.

"They killed it. It's gone. Please don't...don't tell him."

"YN? YN!" Ghost ran in and pushed Soap aside. "YN, what did they do to you?" Ghost cupped my face.

"Now you show up..."

"I'm sorry, YN!" Ghost pulled out his knife and cut me lose. "Let's get you out of here!"

"You're to late, Ghost."

"You're gonna be fine. Just hang in there."

Ghost ran through the halls with Price and Soap close behind.

It hurt. Everything hurt.

My soul fucking hurt.

Gaz shot down some men then joined us.

Why am I so alert?

"Don't fall asleep, YN!"

"I'm not. I'm tired."

"Just hang in there."

I'm not sure what happened for the next few hours.

"YN? YN, can you hear me?"

I looked up at the doctor who was staring at me.

I glanced at Ghost who sat on a chair next to the hospital bed.

"Did you hear what I said?" The doctor asked.

"No, sorry."

"You were pregnant. Were you aware of that?"

I glanced at Ghost.

He was staring at me.

"Yes. I was."

"And you didn't tell me?" Ghost frowned.

"How could I? You wouldn't make time to see or even talk to me!"

"We spoke over the phone the other day!"

"Yeah, and you hung up on me!"

"I was busy! You should have started the call with, Hey, I'm pregnant!"

"I wanted to tell you in person!"

"What would it have mattered!?"

"We'll it sure doesn't matter now! I lost the baby, didn't I, doc?"

We both turned to the doctor.

"You did. I'm sorry."

I lowered my gaze to my lap and tried not to cry.

I failed though.

A tear ran down my cheek.

It's whatever.

Its not like I wanted a kid.

Maybe it would have been nice though.

Who knows.

Definitely not me.

I lost my baby.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora