9.Sleepy Time

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I let out a yawn as Soap led me to the room.

"That was fun. We should do that more often."

I nodded and yawned again.

"Yup. Very fun. Who knew being held captive by the army would be like this."

He laughed as we stopped in front of the door.

"Don't think of it like that. Think of...you turning over a new leaf and starting fresh."

"In the army? That's horrible. I'm not looking forward to being mangled and left to fend for myself. You chose to join, I'm being forced."

The door I was leaning on opened and I fell onto Ghost.

"Get off me."

"Geez, sorry," I mumbled and stood up again.

"You need to go to bed now."

"What are you, my dad?"


"I gotta go, Soap. Grumps is throwing a fit."

"That's lieutenant to you."

"Get fucked."

"Alright." He laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow.

I walked into the room and looked around.

"Clean, but so depressing."

"Get in your room."

"So bossy. Relax. Take a deep breath. Chill."

"I said. Get. In. Your. Room. That's an order. I don't like repeating myself."

"Mm mm mm mm. You need your dick sucked. That'll get that stick out of your ass. But don't look at me. You couldn't pay me enough."

I was then yanked into the room and tossed into my closet, the door being slammed after me.

"Good night and sweet dreams to you too, asshole!"

I was met with silence.

"Right back at you buddy! Gosh, I hate him..."

I found some PJs in the small wardrobe and changed into them.

"Do I get to brush my teeth at least?"

"Why didn't you do that when you were outside?"

"I was busy crushing the dance battle. I won against everyone in case you're wondering!"

"I'm not." He opened the door and led me to the bathrooms where I brushed my teeth and stole some of some random mouthwash I found.

"Alright, all clean and ready for bed. Lead the way Mr. Captor."

"For the last time-"

"Yeah yeah, just lead the way."

"I don't like being cut off."

"Tragic. You and I are not gonna get along, are we?"

"You're not here to make friends."

"Friends? I'm just here making sure I have someone to at least lend me a tiny hand. I'm doing this for my own benefit."

"I don't care."

"Clearly. No one's asking you to. I'm not planning on wasting my time with ya. You won't work for my benefit."

"Will you shut up about your own benefits?"

"Okay. I'm off to bed. Have fun with your wank off. Keep it down though."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now