76. Goodbye

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(For some reason, I feel myself slipping into a depressive episode and maybe even a schizophrenic episode. It's a bit scary but I finally got a therapist and I see her in a few days so I'll be okay I think 😩. Why am I telling you this? Not for sympathy but because I might stop updating if I do slip into an episode. I've been okay to update before on depressive episodes, but it's been a while since I've been in psychosis. I'm sure I'll be fine, but in case I disappear for a while, you know why. I don't wanna just ditch you guys, you know? I feel you guys deserve an explanation. Okay, bye.)

I opened my eyes, still half asleep.

Ghost was on top of me and sound asleep.

I looked at the clothes on the floor and smiled.

We fucked all night, fucking till neither of us had any cum left in out bodies.


I reached for my phone and saw I had a new mission to go on.

I have to go.

But I don't want to leave poor Ghost.

His phone rang and he awoke, picking it up.


"We have our next mission. A hit on Lieutenant."

I got up and took a shower before getting dressed again.

Who could this lieutenant girl be?

I existed the bathroom and looked around.

Simon was gone.

I was a bit upset but I knew this would probably be the last time I saw him.

I exited the room and walked down the stairs to the first floor.

I walked to the exit and looked to my left.

I could see Ghost in the car with his window down as they drove away.

I'll have to seal off the entrance and-

"YN!" I looked up to see Soap running towards me.

"Soap? Were you not in the car?"

"Do you want to come with us?"

"To your mission?"

"Yeah. You've been a great help before. Come, join us again. You're more than just an asset to us."

"I wish I could, it would be great to catch up with everyone but I have to go."

"Come on!"

"I can't, Soap."



"Call me Johnny. We're friends."

I smiled.

"Thanks Johnny. But I have something I need to do. Say goodbye to everyone for me."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No, I'll walk."

"We drove about 16 miles, YN..."

I laughed and pat his back.

"Goodbye Johnny."

There's another entrance not to far from here. About three miles.

I'm not to worried.

I began my journey and heard the car drive away till it mixed in with the sound of traffic.

Ghost didn't even say bye.

Well, it is what it is.

Not much I can do about it.

After a jog, I got dressed in my spare suit and got in my car.

Drive drive drive.

I finally arrived at my destination and got out, walking a mile in a half to the base.

I just need to plug this USB into the computer and I'm out.

I snuck past some guards and into the building I went.

Pew! I shot a guard and entered the room I was instructed to go into.

That looks like the most important computer.

I plugged in the USB and typed in the password provided, searched for what I was looking for and then began uploading the shit I needed.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot.



I ducked just in time to avoid the bullets.



I plucked out the USB and scrambled away behind a desk as bullets rained behind me.

"We got Lieutenant! She's in the intel room!"

I took my gun out and shot at Price, not aiming to kill but I needed him and Gaz to stop shooting for a second.

Holy fuck-a-doodle.

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