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It takes so much of me to get off the elevator and walk to my car.

Man "Mrs Bhele?"

I turn and look at him. He's wearing a blue overalls and a black cap, the uniform for serial killers.

Me "No"

I say firmly, picking up my pace but he follows. Where the fuck is security when I need them?

Man "Oh but I think you are, masambe. Scream and I'll put this bullet through your spine"

I feel something cold against my back, oh shit. At the angle the gun is at, one bullet could go through my spine and either permanently cripple me or kill me, I don't want to take any chances so I nod.

Me "Please, don't kill me. I'll give you anything. Take my phone, my-"
Man "Shut the fuck up"

Something hard slams against my head and everything spins before going black.


White hot pain. That's what I feel when I try to pry my eyes open. The light in this room is too bright so I keep my eyes closed until I feel I can open them. I look at my surroundings. The room is empty, with peeling white paint on the walls. The door is made of steel with no handle or a place for a lock. My brain scrambles to try and make sense of this but all I can remember is signing out at work. My head really hurts, I reach up to touch the painful area and feel a slight swell. There's no blood around the areas, which could be a good thing or a sign of internal bleeding. I'm hoping for the former. I'm thirsty and my throat hurts, I think of screaming for help but then I realise that would probably be futile so I just settle against the cold, hard floor. Something clicks outside, then again and the door swings open. Serial Killer walks in with a bottle of water.

Him "I'm surprised you haven't started screaming yet."
Me "Would that get me out of here?"
Him "No"
Me "Then why would I do it?"
Him *chuckles* "Smart"
Me "What do you want from me?"
Him "Now you think to ask that?"

I glare at him as I wait for an answer.

Him "It's not you I want, it's your husband"

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