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"Remind me again why I'm here?" I say to Bones as we walked in to the brightly lit hallway. "You were invited," he says with a shrug. "Ahh! Mr Bhele, I'm glad you could make it," a man says, spreading his arms out. I offer him my hand and he shakes it with great enthusiasm. "I'm Muzi Dladla, I'm the head of the program," he says. "Being personally greeted by the man of the hour? To what do I owe this honor?" I asked and he laughed. "You're very funny, Mr Bhele. Please enjoy your evening," he said, clapping my shoulder. He moves on to the couple behind us and gives another cheerful greeting. "How long is this thing going to take?" I ask Bones as we head towards the bar. "I don't know. How long do these usually take?" he replied. I rolled my eyes. I really had better things to do than spend my evening at some charity dinner with people I don't know. Bones orders us some whiskey and we make a silent toast before drinking. I run my eyes over the crowd, a few people I knew but not closely just from business dealings here and there. There's suddenly a slight hush in the room and all heads turn to face the door. And there she is. She smiles at Muzi before leaning in for a lengthy hug and a kiss on the cheek. She throws her head back as she laughs at something he said. She pats his shoulder twice before sauntering away from him. Shit. Her eyes flicker over the entranced crowd and met mine. Her taunting smile slipped and her eyes hardened as she glared at me. A man moved and stood in front of her and her smile returned. She tore her eyes away from me and she started speaking to the man. My jaw ticked involuntarily as she laughed at something he said and gently hit his chest. "Phuz' utshwala bakho ndoda," Bones warned and I sighed.



I'm going to knock Muzi out. Tumelo - or is it Tshepo- continues talking and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. My smile stays plastered on as my mind drifted. I need a fucking drink but I can't get one because one of the men I want to kill right now is hogging the bar. "So what do you say we go out one night?" Thabo asked. "I say no," I said and walked away. "Can I offer you a drink?" a man I recognized as one of Muzi's guards asked. "I'd love one," I said accepting the glass of champagne. "He'd like to see you in his office," he said as I took a sip of the champagne and I sighed. I thanked him and handed him back the glass of champagne reluctantly. I walked up the stairs but not without noticing the Thandolwethu and Bones were no longer by the bar, oh so now he leaves. I entered the room without knocking and almost leave immediately. "You've got to be fucking with me," I said and they all turned to look at me. "Thank you for joining us, Natasha," Muzi said and I rolled my eyes. He was sitting at the head of the table with my ex husband and his friend at his side. "Yeah, and now I'm leaving," I said and turned. A guard, however, was blocking the door and I sighed. "Muzi, tell him to get out my way before I stab him," I warned. "Natasha sit down," Muzi said lowly. "Muzi, get him out my fucking way," I said. "Natasha I said sit the fuck down!" Muzi repeated and I jumped slightly. I turned and reluctantly sit down across from Thandolwethu and Bones. This will be interesting.

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