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"So, I know you're wondering why I called you here," Muzi said and I glared at him. "There's a bounty out on me," he said. "What?" I asked. "Are you deaf or just slow, he just said there's a bounty out on him," Thandolwethu said. "Sundiqhela," I responded and he rolled his eyes. "Are you two done?" Muzi asked. "Anyways, like I said there's a million out for open season on me, and I'm sure you want to know how you guys all fit into this. There's another 2 million out on your heads too".



"Excuse me?" I asked. "Are you deaf or just slow?" Ntandokazi said snarkily and I glared at her. "Will the two of you stop acting like fucking children and let's attend to the matter at hand. Mr Dladla, you were saying," Bones said. "I'm glad someone here has an operating brain. Like I was saying-" Muzi started but was cut off by the sound of screaming outside. "What the fuck?" I heard his burly minion ask as he pulled out a gun. My hand immediately went to the knife strapped on my thigh. "What's going on?" Muzi asked his minion. "I don't know, I'll go check," the guard replied. The door was kicked open as he turned to leave and bullets started raining into the room. My army training kicked in and I dove under the table as I unsheathed my knife. I heard someone grunt and another gun going off. I kneeled under the table before rising up. I surveyed the scene; 3 men in black masks each with a machine gun in hand. Lethal, but not as accurate as a pistol. A gun clattered as it fell under the table and I quickly grabbed it. I aimed for one of the men's legs and they groaned as their legs buckled. The next bullet went into his head as he fell and his other accomplices turned their attention to me. "Ntandokazi get down!" Thandolwethu screamed but I had already dived under the table. "Oh fuck!" I heard Muzi scream and I screamed as his body fell besides me. "Muzi!" I screamed as I crawled to him instinctively. "No! Ntandokazi!" I heard Thandolwethu as bullets rained towards me. Something knocked against me and I gasped. Thandolwethu lay on top of me as the men continued shooting and I couldn't help but scream as each bullet went into his back. Two more gunshots, more solid than the others went off and the two men went down almost simultaneously. Bones got up from behind the cabinet where he had been hiding before pumping one more bullet into each of their heads. "Ruined my fucking suit," he said and winked at me. I snapped out of my daze and pushed Thandolwethu off me. "That's the thanks I get for saving your life?" he asked groaning. "OhmiGod! Are you okay? You just got hit like 68 times!" I exclaimed trying to find any bleeding. "Yeah I'm fine. I never leave the house without a vest on, so I'm not going to die. But it still hurts like a bitch," he said and I exhaled the breath that I wasn't even aware I was holding. Then I remembered why I crawled out from the table - "Muzi"! I hurried over to him and kneeled in front of him. His chest was bright red and my eyes fluttered. "Ntandokazi?" I heard Thandolwethu say but he sounded so far. My chest tightened and I tried to push down the panic rising in my throat. "Ntandokazi?" he asked again. "Ntandokazi, it's okay. It's not him Ntandokazi, it's not your dad. Please calm down," Thandolwethu said and I realized I was screaming. I tried to push away the thoughts of my dad but every time I looked at Muzi I saw him.

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