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"No complaints today?" Senzo asks as I take off my gloves. "No," I say stretching my hand out. "You were great today, good speed and strength," he says and I nod. "Thanks," I say. "So who has pissed you off this time?" he asked.
"You workout this hard only when you're pissed."
"Thandolwethu found me."
"Were you hiding from him?"
"No I- Seeing him just brought back all that anger I had. You know how hard I worked to let it go."
"What are you going to do manje?"
"I don't know."
And that was the honest truth, I might have threatened him yesterday but I.. God I'm fucked.

"Mr Dladla is waiting for you in your office," is the first thing Babalwa says to me when in walk in. "Oh great. Thanks Lwa," I sigh as I trudged over to my office. He's sitting on the chair for patients, a first time for him as he always sits in my seat. His two bodyguards are standing in the corner silently. "Mgabadeli," I greet and he stands up and turns. "Natasha my baby," he says smiling and opening his arms. I rolled my eyes playfully as I walked in to his embrace. "How are you?" he asked letting me go. "Ndiphilile," I say going around and sitting in my chair. My relationship with Muzi is weird. He is like an overprotective older brother to me- a very flirtatious older brother. He flirts with me very blatantly but we both know nothing will ever happen between us, I don't see him like that. "Ngizwa kuthiwa ubonane naloya mfana wakwa Mbhele," he said. Trust him to know. "Bhele," I correct. "Anginendaba. Isn't this the same boy who killed your parents?" he asked. "No, but it's his fault they died," I said quickly, not wanting to dwell on the subject. He notices my mood has changed and gives me a weak smile. "What did he want?" he asked. "He wanted to offer me a job, as his on call doctor," I replied. "And?" he asked. "Uyazithanda iindaba,"
"I declined," 
"Do you want me to deal with him?"
"No, please don't."
"Mhmmm okay,"
"That doesn't reassure me, Muzikayise. Promise me you won't do anything to him." "Yindaba umkhulumela? You have been talking about avenging your parents death for years now and you want to back out now? Yini?" he asked.
"I'll deal with it on my own Muzi, don't get involved. Please." He looks at me questioningly before getting up. "I love you Natasha, I really do. But sometimes I want to put a bullet through that stubborn head of yours. You coming to the Veterans dinner tonight?" he says offering me his hand. "Yep, wouldn't miss it," I say and give him a weak bye before shaking his hand.

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