Tex POV (10)

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"That fucking traitor" I shouted, kicking the closes alpha near me, making him yelp, "I know he is your brother, Mitch, the traitor better be fucking dead" "I've taken care of it" "is he dead?" Mitch bowed his head "he is" "good, if anyone else wants to go behind my back, speak up now and I will kill you right here and now", no one said a word, "good, now, someone tell me what’s the plan on getting that bitch back?" I sat down in my seat.

Mitch would normally be the one to address me but this time is was his understudy, Will, I did think it strange at first but I did just get him to kill his younger brother, so I let it slide.

"Well Sir, we will get her on the full moon, we got information that the Blood Moon Night pack love to celebrate the full moon that comes on this Friday, with a lot of there pack around this area are young Lycan's, they like to party at the weekends, there will be considerably less people around the pack house, we will get her then" "that sounds like a good plan, get everyone who can fight ready to go" "sure thing Sir" Mitch said bowing his head to me again, I like how obedient he is.

I may be the top alpha of this pack but Mitch actually runs the day to day of the pack, my kids are useless at everything, all they do is eat, drink, an fuck every omega that they find, there favorited past time is forcing omegas into heat, Mitch has a proper head screwed on his shoulders, maybe I should adopt him to take over.

I found Dee watching Tv in the living room, I lay next to her, putting my head in her lap, "it's so hard running a pack" "do you mean, it's hard looking like you run the pack but really Mitch runs it and you just boss people around" "yeah something like that" I laughed "we are going to get that unscented omega back on Friday, I'm taking everyone" "but why? she has found her fated mate, why are you going to take her away from him?" "She's a part of the Frost Sun pack, that makes her my property" "but you kicked her out for being useless" "so I changed my mind alright" I sat up getting annoyed with her, “I think you should just leave her a lone, she’s happy now", I don’t give a fucking shit if she is happy.

My anger got the better of me and I slapped her around the face, "look what you made me do, that was your fault for saying stupid shit, your just a fucking omega, you know nothing about running and maintaining a pack, all you know is how to open your fucking legs and have pups, we need money, getting her will get us that money" "Sir, there maybe a problem" Mitch interrupted me, "can't you see I'm fucking busy" "please refrain from hitting her" "don't make me laugh, you are as cut throat as most of us put together" "I don't condone violence against women Sir", I slapped her again, just for the fun of it "what you going to do? Are you going to stop me?" I slapped her for the third time, I didn’t even hear him move and before I knew it, Mitch had grabbed my arm and held it tight, "please stop hitting her", I tried to get my arm free but his grip was like a vice, "fine, tell me the problem".

"THEY DID WHAT?" "Half of our fighters have deserted, I suggest we cancel the raid to get Aria back" "fuck no, it still goes a head, we should still have enough to get her, we will find the deserters and kill them afterwards".

A Reluctant MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon