Dixson's POV (42)

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The whole pack was in over drive, searching for the pups, even with our high sensitive with smell, sight, hearing and taste, no one heard anything, we also had sniffed the pups clothes (not that we all didn’t know what they smell like) and went out in the forest, trying to smell for them but no one had any luck.

The pups had been gone for hours that we know of, no one know what time they got taken, Ranger said he checked on the pups around about 2am, it was around 5am when Cash noticed them gone.

Aria kept calling the pack house but Ranger couldn't bring himself to pick it up, "Ranger, you need to tell her" "what would that do? Nothing, it will make her worried and want to come home, she is sick and needs to be at the hospital" "she has a right to know", the door banged open making me flinch, too scared to turn around, "sorry to disturb you Ranger" "did you find them?" He said standing up from his desk" "not yet" "then why the fuck have you stopped looking?" He shouted, I could feel the fear grow up inside, "we found this little one in the forest", I caught her scent, it was Lucy, I could hear that she was crying uncontrollably, I turned around and she spotted me, "Dixson" she said trying to get to me but she was held back, "Dixson, do you know her?" "Yeah, I do" I said as I grabbed her and hugged her tight, ripping the Lycan's hand off her jacket, she cried so hard hugging me.

"Dixson, who is she?" "She is Luna's little sister, she got sent away not to long after I got there, Luna thought we were to close, Lucy just reminded me of Aria when she was this age" "she’s a Larkin? She needs getting rid of, we all know he breads crazy children" Ranger said, I was in disbelief with what he was saying "Pavan adopted her when she was two as her family was killed in an attack, if you make her leave, I will leave with her" Ranger sat down with a sigh, "fine, she can stay", "thank you Ranger".

I left his office, Lucy still tightly in my arms, since coming back from that hell I have been miserable, having Lucy in my arms, I feel happy, genuinely happy, don’t get me wrong, I was happy when Aria had her pups, but it was bitter sweet, I wished I would of that that happiness with my own partner, that’s never going to happen now.

I took her up to my room, I got her settled but she didn’t want me to leave her, "sorry Lucy, I need to go, some pups have gone missing, I need to help find them" “I can help" then I hit me, Lucy has been one of the best Lycan's for tracking things down, she was the best at hide and seek, even if I thought I covered my tracks perfect, she would find me with in minutes, "Lucy, do you think you can help me, two of Ranger's pups got taken from this house" “I can help, I just need there scent".

I took her to the pups room, got a piece of clothing that was Kassian and one that was Caspian's, she sniffed at it but she looked confused for a second, "Lucy, everything ok?" she sniffed the clothes again and said, "when I slept in the forest last night, I smelt these scents go past me" "do you think you can track them?" She nodded exactly, "come on, I need to talk to Ranger".

I hooked Lucy on my back and I raced to Ranger's office, he was talking, shouting more like it to General Saxon, "how hard is it to track two pups?" "None of us can track there scent anywhere" "Ranger, I know how we can find them" he looked at me like I had just told him to fuck off and stop looking for them, "this better not be a joke, the pups have been missing for nearly eight hours" "Lucy here is the best at tracking things, go on Lucy, tell him what you told me after sniffing the pups clothes" "but he is scary" she whispered, "he's not that scary when you get to know him, he is just this way because two of his pups are missing", she wiggled off my back and stood next to me, holding my hand.

"When I was sleeping in the forest, I smelled their scent go past me" "how can you know for sure it was there's?", Lucy let go of my hand and hugged me, burying her face into me, scared, "even at her young age of seven, she has a very heightened scents of smell, she can find them, I promise you" "you better be right, take us where you slept last night little one”.

Lucy stayed on my back and pointed the way "Ranger, this is not the same way that we found her, we found her to the west" "where are you taking us? I told you to take us where you slept" Ranger said loud making her jump then hide her face, "please don't shout at her, she's scared enough as it is" "then she better tell me why we are going in the wrong direction?" "Lucy, please tell me why we are going this way?" "When the scent went past me, I was scared, the alpha scent was really strong so I moved"
Lucy whispered, "we are going the right way, trust me" Ranger looked at me sceptical, "what way?".

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