Mitch's POV (29)

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                     Side story (5)

Willow was a 19 year old nomad, her pack got whipped out by a stronger pack, it wasn’t one that I had heard of before, she had been living on the streets since she was 14, that’s when they got her, she had been sold a few time in then years but ultimately ended back with the one that originally took her, she also told me about all the abuse she went through, it broke my heart hearing it all, but I let her talk, it felt like she needed to get it all off her chest so we can start our life together with no secrets.

The first two weeks was tough, she went through withdrawals really bad, she was sick the whole time and she was in so much pain, the doctor did suggest giving her the drug and slowly lowering the dose each time but she wanted to cold turkey, she cried so much but I stayed with her the whole time, the only time I left the pack house was when I absolutely needed to.

The third week was better, she was sick less and less, that’s when she told me about herself, "it's your turn, tell me about you?" Willow said, laying on the bed and putting her head on my lap, she had been getting more and more affectionate, the only one I was affectionate with was Aria, she had always been a hugger, she loved cuddles when she was younger, I’m no virgin, when I was with the Frost Sun pack, I slept around, I just needed sex, I didn't need all the affection that comes with it, I wasn’t as big of a man whore as Curtis was, he slept with everyone, man, woman, young, old alpha, beta or omega, everyone was fair game to him, when I made this new pack I told him he couldn't go back to his old ways, he wasn’t happy but he now has a mate that he’s happy with.

"What do you want to know?" "Have you any family? Brothers or sisters? Alphas or omegas?" "I have three younger alpha brothers, you will meet two of them when you are feeling better and I have one younger omega sister, she is with another pack, she’s with her fated mate and she is about 11, 12 weeks pregnant with triplet pups, I need to tell you something, you are my fated partner but I will never abandon my sister ever again, she is one of my priorities, if she needs me, I will drop everything to go to her" "you said 'again' did you abandon her before?" She said sitting up and looking into my eyes, just thinking of abandoning her and not seeing her again fills my heart with so much pain.

"When Aria was 18, she was kicked out of the pack we was in, she had no scent so she was 'useless' so Tex kicked her out as did our parents, her brothers and I did nothing to help her, we just let it happen, I was so high up in the hierarchy of that pack to the point I was almost running the pack single handed, if any of us said anything, we would have been stripped of everything, so we kept our mouths shut, the guilt eats me up everyday" I lowered my head so she couldn't see the pain in my face.

She put her arms around me and said, "I would never ask you to choose me over anyone else, I would like to meet her one day, when I'm better" "I would like that, I think you two will get along" "its a deal, I better get well soon, I’ve got lots of people to meet, what are there names? And how old are they?" I smiled and gave her a kiss, "thanks for understanding, so I’m the oldest at 31, there names are Malcom he’s 28 Curtis he’s 26 Dixson he's 25 and Aria is 23" "you said I will only meet two of your brothers?" "Dixson left us to go be with his fated partner and will never come back here" "that’s a shame, I can't wait to meet everyone else" she put her head back down on my lap.

I told her a few other things from when I was with my old pack, I shocked her a little with how violent I was back then, I also told her about Aria getting stabbed at there confirmation ceremony, she doesn't even know Aria but she burst into tears, "it's ok, she's fine now, the pups are fine also" "but still, it should have been the happiest day but it was hell" "that’s true but they are going to try and do it again in a few weeks, just with her pack and ours, this way you can be apart of it to" "I would have preferred her not to have been stabbed" "same, how about we see how you feel in a few days, maybe we can go and visit" "yes please, I feel like I need to hug her" "you two will definitely get along".

Willow hadn't been sick for a few days and the pain was all but gone, I introduced her to my brothers first before the whole pack, "that's just great, you all have found your fated mate or just a mate and l have no one, also to rub salt in the wound, all your partners are so good looking, couldn't you of had an ugly mate?" Malcolm whined, "l wouldn't say l was good looking but thank you" "well you are" "I'm going to be taking willow to go visit Aria, tomorrow" "we haven't seen her in a while, can we come to?" Curtis said looking at me all puppy dog eyed "sorry, not this time, l just want it to be just the four of us, next time".

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