Mitch's POV (27)

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                   Side story.  (3)

It’s been a week since I left Dixson at the Dark Water pack, I’ve felt uneasy the whole week, it feel's like the pack is starting to break up, I know its just my insecurities, Aria and Dixson left to be with there fated partners, am I jealous? Probably.

Tanna took over all of Dixson's responsibilities, he didn’t have to many, he just was like a go to guy, you needed something specific he would locate it for you, it was mainly food, I never realized the people in the pack were so obsessed with there food, I will say, the food here is the best I’ve tasted, "sorry do disturb you Mitch but there’s a little problem in town, apparently there are some nomads in the town, kicking up a fuss" Malcolm said as he entered my office, "how many?" "They said there’s only three but, the three they have seen have been an alpha and two betas" "ok" "but they have smelt a omega but they haven't laid eyes on her yet" "fine, find out where they are staying and we will go and pay them a little visit" "sure thing Mitch" 'please let them fight us, I need a fight, I need to release some stress' I said to Zee, 'I feel the same, maybe after this, we can go and visit Aria?' 'Sounds like a plan'.

Tanna and Curtis found what room they were staying in, it took them a few days as they kept moving around, "room 403" Tanna said as we got in the lift with Curtis and Malcolm.

I pressed the button for floor four, the smell from the alpha was nauseating, why is he pouring them out?

Standing outside the room it was hard not to throw up, I kicked the door open, making it crash open, "who the fuck said you can cause havoc on my lands?" I said walking into the room, shivers ran up and down my spine, 'shit, she’s here' I said to Zee, he already knew, his heavy breathing gave it away, there was a half naked alpha stood at the end of the bed, he only had his trousers on but you could tell he was just about to take them off, to fuck who ever was on the bed, you could only see there feet tied to the bed posts, 'save her' Zee shouted, as I carried on walking in, I could see more and more of the woman that was tied to the bed, she was compleatly naked, as I passed the bathroom the two betas jumped out but before they got to me, Tanna and Curtis grabbed them and pulled them out the room.

Leaving the alpha, the omega that was tied to the bed, Malcolm and myself, "who the fuck do you think you are? I own this town" he shouted at me, "you own this town? Oh really, I’ve owned this land for almost three years now" "liar, my father gave me this land four years ago" Malcolm and I laughed, "what you laughing at you prick?" "Is your father Ranger Blackstone by any chance? He was the one I got this land from" "y... Yeah" he stuttered, "that’s bullshit, Ranger is 28 years, there’s no way he’s you father" "your what? In your 40's" Malcolm added, he wasn't very happy with that remark, he charged at me like I was the one that said it, "get the omega" I shouted as beast mode was activated, I went to town on him, he didn’t stand a chance.

In the end I had probably gone a little bit over board, I had ripped his throat out, there was blood everywhere, there goes our savings, I was looking at the mess, when I could hear a small frail voice say "please kill me" "sure thing" Malcolm said, as I turned he had pulled out his gun and pointed it at her, Malcolm is one of a few Lycan's that holds a gun, we normally prefer knife's.

I got to him as he pulled the trigger, I pushed his arm up and he shot the ceiling "what the fuck do you this your doing?" I shouted, Zee was shouting to "look at her Mitch, she’s already half dead, she asked me to kill her" "don’t, I need to save her" "what? Why?" "She’s my one" I said looking down at her, Malcolm wasn’t wrong, the omega was in a terrible state, I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her, I gently picked her up, keeping my eyes on her, "we need to go to the hospital right now".

The young omega was laying in the hospital bed, she looked terrible, her skin was covered in cuts and bruises, I just stood at the end of her bed watching her sleeping, 'she’s the one isn’t she? She’s our fated mate' 'yeah she is, we have found her but she looks like she has been through hell, we will have to be extra careful with her' 'yeah as not to scare her, I can not believe we found her' Zee said running circles in my head.

The doctor had come in and told me she was in a very bad way, they had been drugging her to keep her doped up so she couldn't run away or shift and that she will most probably go through withdrawal from the strong drugs, they had done a sexual assault exam on her also, them results was hard to hear.

She slept for a whole two days and night, the doctor wasn't to concerned that she hasn't woken up, he said she must feel safe here that she is resting, I on the other hand didn’t like it, I would like her to wake up so I can talk to her, when she finally woke up she throw up everywhere, I went to the door and shouted "I need some help in here" three nurses run in, I made sure I stayed out of there way, they know what they are doing, with in a few minutes, the bedding was changed and she was all cleaned up in a new hospital gown, "I will call the doctor to come and check on you" one of the nurses said taking all the dirty stuff with her, another one handed me some sick bowls, "you might need these".

They left the room leaving just us two "who are you?" Her voice was so quiet "Erm, my name is Mitch, what’s yours?" I said taking a step towards her, she flinched, "sorry" "was you the one that bought me here?" "Yeah" 'ask her' 'shush, please' "where are the people that kidnapped me?" "Honestly, they are all dead" she started crying, I started to panic "are you ok?" "They kidnapped me five years ago" she cried "you are safe now, I wont let anyone hurt you, may I ask, do you feel the connection between us? Your my fated mate" she just kept crying, covering her face.

I just stood there waiting for her to calm down, 'let out some calming pheromones' 'no, I think she’s had enough of all that shit', "excuse me, would you like a drink or some food?" She looked up from her hands and nodded, to what? I didn’t know, I started with a drink.

I handed it to her, she was still crying and her hands were shaking so bad she couldn't hold the paper up, I helped her drink some water, "may I ask your name again?" "Willow" she whispered, "it's very nice to meet you Willow, I'm Mitch, my Lycan is called Ezekiel or Zee for short" I said sitting on the bed, "mine is called Sage", we spoke for hours, she was sick a few times, she started to suffer from stomach pains and stated crying again, I suggested that she shift, the Lycan's healing ability is fantastic, she tried but she didn’t have the strength to do it, I stayed with her until it was time to be discharged.

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