Cora's POV (62)

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Side story.    (15)

At breakfast, all of the Lycan's just looked to us, Mitch took Chase, so Dixson and I could eat and in return we took Harland so they could, Mitch informed us that Aria knows someone is coming to visit, but didn't tell her it was Dixson and I.

The whole car journey I think I cried more than Chase did, the pack house came interview it was still impressive, Aria, Ranger and Cash was stood on the steps, waiting, I was so nervous I could throw up.

The car came to a stop, like before, I couldn't get out the car, this time was different, this time I had broke Dixson's heart, I bet Aria wants to kill me, I wouldn't blame her, Dixson lent over and kissed my cheek, "we can do this, together, no one will hurt you" "the words are nice to hear but I'm expecting to be at least shouted at" "it's Aria, I cannot stop her shouting but hopefully, once I tell her everything and show her him, she might calm down" "let's go, let's get this started so I can cry about it later" I joked, Dixson gave me another kiss and got out the car.

I in hailed a few deep breaths before getting out the car, "what the fuck is she doing here?" "Aria, just wait" "no Dixson, she's not welcome here in this pack" "Aria, please just wait" Dixson said open the car door to get Chase out, "no, I'm not going to fucking wait, I think I might just kill her like the..." she instantly stopped talking when she saw Dixson holding Chase.

"Who's pup is that?" She said as she took a step down on the steps, "his mine, let's go inside and we all can talk", I feel guilt in telling Dixson to do all the talking, but she is his sister, he knows how to talk to her, I think if I say something, she could possibly kill me.

Ranger approach first, he held out his arms for the pup, my heart was beating so fast, everyone could probably hear it, I know he wouldn't do anything to Chase but I was still nervous.

Dixson handed Chase over, he smelt him, turned around and nodded, he started to walk towards the pack house, "come to the office", Ranger didn't even reach the steps before Aria had Chase out of Ranger's arms, into hers and giving him a sniff, she turned and  looked at me, "you better have a good excuse" she said as she turned back around and walked into the pack house.

Dixson walks around the car, took my hand and we started walking towards the pack house, "well, you're still alive, so that's a good sign" he joked.

Dixson and I were sat in front of the desk as Ranger was sat behind it, Cash and Aria were arguing over Chase, Cash wanted to hold him and Aria wouldn't let him, "Aria please let Cash hold him, one of the reasons we have come here it's for me to tell you everything, since the day I left to go to Luna's pack, I will tell you 100% of what happened and I will answer any questions you have", Aria handed Chase over to Cash and sat on Rangers lap, "before I start, I need to know, where Lucy and Grover are?"

A pain in my chest nearly made me cry out with the mention of Grover's name, "they are at school right now, would you like me to pull them out?" Ranger said reaching for the phone, "no, not yet, they don't need to hear what I'm about to tell you" "okay you have the floor".

Like he did with his brothers, he told them everything, it was hard hearing everything infill, I knew bits and pieces but I didn't know everything, "do you have any questions?" "Yes, but not to you, Cora, why didn't you get rid of the pup before he was born?" "Ranger, I can't believe you just said that" Aria said pissed at him, "because it was Dixson's pup, even though I was with my fated partner, deep down, I know Dixson was the one I really wanted, when I had Chase, for split second, I thought I would leave Chase at the pack house, but I knew I could never do that, but when Isaac held a gun to Chase's head, it was like the thread of fate was snapped, I felt nothing for him and I know I had kill him, the relief I felt after" "so, are you here to stay?" "Yeah, I'm not going anywhere" "you said that last time" "Aria, please remember, being fated to someone makes you do stupid things, she won't leave again, if she does, I will bring her back, every single time" Dixson said give him my hand a squeeze.

The room fell silent, well not completely silent, you can hear Cash talking gibberish to Chase, "I will accept her back into the family on one condition" "and that is?" "You have to come here at least one weekend a month" Dixson and I looked at each other, I smiled and nodded "deal" we both said together "also, you're not getting him back" Aria said going up to Cash and taking Chase off him.

We carried on talking for a little while, school was close to getting out, Ranger had called for Lucy and Grover to come to his office straight after school, there was a little knock at the door my heart skipped a beat or two "come in" Ranger shouted, "you wanted to see us" Grover said as he opened the door, Dixson and I stood up and turned around, "Dixson" Lucy cried and ran into his arms, the tears escaped my eyes when I saw Grover, "Cora?" He said drop into his knees covering his face so we couldn't see his tears, I quickly went to him, getting down on my knees and pulled him into a hug, he started loudly crying as he hugged me tight.

"Lucy, Grover, I would like you to meet someone, Cash" "we know Cash" we all laughed at her response, Dixson bumped his head to hers, "what is he holding?" "Is it a pup?" "That pup is called Chase, he is Cora and my pup, I went looking for her when I dropped you off here" he told them what Mitch told him to say.

"That's not what alpha Mitch told us" Grover said "he told you that, so you didn't come looking for us" "can I hold him?" Lucy said as she wiggled out of Dixson's arms "sure, go take a seat", Cash on the other hand didn't want to let him go as he had only just got him back off Aria.

Grover sat with Lucy, "so, this is what it's going to look like when them two have a pup of their own" Cash joked, "I don't like that idea, Cash hurry up take Chase off Lucy" Ranger said annoyed "shut up, Ranger you idiot" Aria said hitting him, "it's good that my little brother is well looked after here, I thank you from the bottom of my heart" "just remember your promise and all is forgiven".

We stayed at the Blood Moon Knight pack for a little over a week, Mitch asked us to return soon, he said Willow is hardly sleeping, she's worried that we aren't coming back, even though we reassured her that we would be.

Life fell back into place like I have never left, I got my job back at the school, Dixson went back to work for his brother, the only thing that's different, we now have Chase.

We were laying in bed, Chase had just been fed and put down, "Cora, thank you" "for what?" "Everything, thank you for coming into my life on one of the really bad days, and talking me out of doing something stupid, if you didn't, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have Chase" "I also hurt you" "yeah, and it wasn't a good feeling when you left, but you are back and you won't leave me again, will you?" "Never, I am yours and you are mine".

He kissed me that lasted the little longer to just be a normal kiss, "Dixson, would you like to mark me again?" "Yes, very much so" he said as he put his hands under my top, "put me into heat and mark me" I said, Lucy wanted Chase in her room, Lucy is fantastic with the little pup, so I know I could trust her with him, if he was in our room, I wouldn't have asked Dixson to put me in heat.

It took Dixson a few attempts to put me into heat, and we mated, for me it was better than the first time we mated, when it was the thunderstorm.

In the morning, I left Dixson asleep when I went to check on the pups, they were sound asleep.

Walking back to my room, I spotted a tired Mitch, going back to his room, "Mitch, I would like to thank you for letting me return" "don't think of it, just know, if you're leave again, I will let Aria loose" I wasn't sure if he was joking or not, "that's not going to happen, Dixson has remarked me, I will be his forever" "that's good".

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