Mitch's POV (33)

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Side story (9)

I had already said my goodbye to Aria, she didn’t want me to leave but she was worse with Dixson, I would love to have there type of bond, even when Dixson said some horrible things to her, she still stayed loyal to him and saved him when he needed it.

"She really doesn't want him to leave" Ranger said as we stood there waiting, "I should ask if he wants to stay but after what happened last time he left the pack, I'm reluctant to let him leave again, I know this pack is different and a hell of a lot better but after this, I feel I need to protect him more than ever", Ranger put his hand on my shoulder and said "well the door is always open, if he wants to stay with us, he is more then welcome, I will hate it as I think they spend far to much time together but I know Aria will love it and what ever my Queen wants, she can have" "thanks Ranger, I will have a chat with him and see what he wants to do".

Dixson and I finally left when it was getting dark out, Aria wanted us to stay the night but I wanted to get back to Willow "who is Willow?" "While you were gone, I found my fated partner" "oh wow that's fantastic news" he tried to sound happy for me but deep down he’s still afraid of people getting close to him "she’s my mate not yours, just so we are clear" "I didn’t say anything" "good".

We must have walked 15 miles, talking, he opened up about the mistreatment he went through, it was heart-breaking to hear that my little brother went through all that and I let it happen, I know that I didn’t know about it but Ranger did warn me about there family and I just ignored it.

We walked in silence for a little while, while I processes what he just told me, I couldn't help but feel guilty for all the shit that I’ve done in the past when I was with the Frost Sun pack, what Dixson went through was nothing compared to what I put people and Lycan's through.

I stopped walking so did Dixson, "is everything ok?" "What do you want to do?" "What do you mean?" "Do you want to come back with me or go back to Aria? Ranger has already agreed for you to stay with them if that’s what you want" "Aria has got so much to worry about at the moment, I don’t want her to worry about me, my head isn’t in the right place for her to help me" "so you will come home?" "Yes please" he said barley audible, "Tanna has already filled your job position" "Tanna is a good choice, he was a good understudy, very reliable" "I'm glad that you want to come home, Willow has been dying to meet you, Malcolm and Curtis have been waiting for your return, if you want to go to Aria at any point, all I will say is let me know, my fear is that you will run away where no one can come and help you" "I will, thanks for understanding, I just need some time" I just nodded and started walking again.

"How are your hands? Can you shift?" "They are ok, I can shift" "good, I'm fed up with walking", we shifted and ran the rest of the way back to the pack house.

When we got back, Malcolm and Curtis was play fighting and Willow was walking back and forth beside them, she spotted us first then came running towards us, quickly over taken by the boys, they tackled him to the floor, I had Deja vu, this is what I watched Ranger and Aria do.

"Your such an idiot for putting us through all this fighting" the three were play fighting this time, "get up, your acting like children", Willow finally got to us, completely out of breath, "Mitch" a few gasps for air, "your" more breaths "back" "take in a few deep breaths to calm down" she did, her breathing steadied a bit but not completely, "Dixson, get up, I would like you to meet Willow" he pushed our brothers off him as he stood up, it was good to see that he’s got some of his strength back, she threw her arms around him, crying, "I'm so happy to finally meet you", he just stood there not moving, the look of fear on his face, I could tell he was getting scared with the close contact, "Willow that’s enough, he’s still in a lot of pain and you hugging him tight isn’t helping" "oh I so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you" his whole body was trembling, "lets all go in and rest, we can have proper introductions in the morning, Dixson is still in a lot of pain and I’ve ran to the Blood Moon Night pack house and back in one day, I need to sleep".

I could hardly sleep, I was so worried about Dixson, he was a flight risk and I just want to keep an eye on him, "Mitch, just sleep, everyone is safe now, you can rest" Willow said sitting up in bed, "I'm not tired, you just sleep, I want to check on Dixson" "he needs time and some space" Willow said as she kissed me, she’s the only one that could distract me, I kissed her back, laying her down as I got on top of her.

I left Willow asleep in bed, when we have sex, we go all out until she can't take it any more, I walked out side for some fresh air, "I didn’t realized your were so loud" Dixson laughed, "yeah well, this is the first partner I’ve been compatible with, why aren’t you sleeping?" "Nightmares, since getting saved they have been getting bad, I don’t want to close my eyes, they feel so real, Luna torturing me over and over again" "she can not hurt you anymore, she is dead" "I have Luna in my nightmares and when I'm awake, I'm riddled in guilt for putting Aria and her pups in terrible danger, I wish Luna would of killed me, then all this shit would be over with" Dixson started crying.

I sat down on the step with him, I put my arm over his shoulders and pulled him in to me “I don’t want you to say that ever again, there are so many people that care for you, I can't help you with your nightmares but you know where I am, if they get so bad come and fine me and we can talk about it, Aria went on her own accord" "but I called her" "so, she called me to help but I was to far away, she thought she could get to you faster, just don’t let it weigh you down" I ruffled his hair, he carried on crying for a little while longer, its a horrible feeling not knowing how to help him, I suppose only time can heal.

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