Aria's POV (37)

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I thought having three pups was going to hard but with Ranger and Cash helping me, it was easier, Soloman was the only one out the three pups that needed me most, he’s the only one that I breastfeed, the other two, didn't want to know, they are bottle fed with my breast milk, it's pointless giving them formula when I produce plenty.

Ranger was watching the pups while I took a bath, it felt so nice, the hot water warming my cold skin, 'knock, knock' "Aria, can I come in?" "Ranger, you have never asked permission before", he opened the door but didn't look at me, that made me sad, I've noticed that Ranger don't look at me like he used to, "where are the pups?" "With Cash" he still wasn't looking at me "I wanted to ask if it's ok to escort Cash to a few packs around the area to search for his mate?" "Why do you have to go?" "It's customary for a top alpha to escort another alpha to a pack to enquire about mates" "why ask? You’re the top alpha, you can do what you like" I was getting a little pissed of, he still looking away from me, normally he would have been in the bath with me, "it's just, you will have to look after the pups alone" "for how long?" "Two weeks".

I could feel the tears well up, "fine, you go away for two week, hell, go away for three weeks, four, I will see if Mitch will let Willow come" "Aria" "just go, go party for two week, maybe you can find a different mate that you can actually look at and fuck them, you must be pent up, it's been a while" he finally looked at me, I was crying, I looked away from him this time, "why would I do that? You are my fated partner, I don't need anyone else" "then why haven't you touched me?" "I was waiting for you to be ready, I didn't want to pressure you in to having sex with me not long after having the pups, it must have put a huge strain on your body" "I feel like I'm not needed now, you have your pups, I have nothing to offer you now" he got in the bath, fully clothed.

"Never think that, you are everything to me, I've been holding back so much it hurts, watching you lay there at night, knowing the long day you have had with thr pups, you must be tired, I wanted to ravish you every night" he tilted my head up and kissed me, this is the first time in a long time that he has kissed me like this, I started to unbuckle his trousers "you sure you want this? I won't be able to hold back once we start this" I just carried on unbuttoning his trousers, Ranger stood up, I pulled his trousers down and his pants, his dick was at full attention, I put both my hands around it and started moving them slowly up and down.

I got up on my knees, reading myself to put it in my mouth, "if you do that, I think I would cum straight away" Ranger said putting his hand on my head, I looked up at him, he seamed to be enjoying my hands but I want him to feel even better.

I put his dick into my mouth and he gripped my hair, it hurt but it wasn't going to stop me, I slowly bobbed my head up and down, I couldn't put all of it in my mouth as it was far to big, with the noises coming from him, I knew I was doing something right.

"I'm cumming" I put his dick as far as I could without chocking, I could feel him fill my mouth with his load, I swallowed every last drop, it didn't taste to great but I wouldn't tell him that.

He dragged me out the bath and into the bedroom, "not on the bed, we are soaking wet" "it will be even more wetter in a minute, now, lay down on the fucking bed and spread your legs, I'm hungry" oh fuck, that was so hot, I was so turned on by him talking like the top alpha.

I was absolutely exhausted, Ranger was like a wild animal, every time he came, he was ready for the next round, I couldn't even guess how many time he got me to cum, it was a lot, "Aria, I can't get enough" Ranger said as he put his dick in me again, "what about the pups? We have been at it for a while" "they are with Cash, they will be fine, just concentrate on me".

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, just before our lips touched, there was a knock at the door "sorry Ranger but the pups won't settle" "just rock them, I'm busy" Ranger said as he slammed into me, making me have to cover my mouth as not to scream out, "I tried that but I think there hungry" "then feed them" I could see Ranger start to get angry, "Ranger they are pups, we should feed them" "but I'm busy" he said with a wicked grin on his face, "I will be out in a few, just be patient", Cash didn't say anything back, "now where were we?"

My body was spent, I just had enough energy to put some clothes on and get back in to bed before Ranger and Cash brought up the pups.
Ranger gave me Soloman, Cash has seen my breasts many times now, so I don't feel uncomfortable feeding Soloman in front of him, Ranger fed Kassian and Cash fed Caspian.

Cash left after they had been fed, we laid the pups in the middle of the bed and we laid either side, "I don’t know if I ever told you this but... Thank you" "for what?" "Everything, for finally choosing me as your fated one, for loving me, I know I can be a real asshole sometimes but you keep me from going out of control and for having these three precious pups, it feels like my world is now complete" I was in floods of tears, I couldn't speak.

Ranger reached over, putting his hand on my cheek, I put my hand on his, "I love you Aria" "I love you too" I pulled his hand to my mouth and kissed it.

It took a week to set up there little tour of some packs, in the two weeks that they will be gone, they will visit 31 different packs, Ranger did write them all down on where and when they will be, it's in his office.

While they are gone I won't be on my own, Willow could only stay a few days as she had college to go to so she can become a midwife, she is adamant that she will be the one to deliver my next pup, when she leaves, I will still have Dixson here, "don't look at me like that, I will be fine and so will the pups" "I've changed my mind, I don't want to go" ranger said as he stepped towards me, "but what about Cash? He is your best friend, he needs your help" "but you need it more" "Willow and myself are here to help her, she is in safe hands" Dixson added, helping me calm Ranger down.

Ranger didn't say anything, he just lent his head on my shoulder, "please go and help Cash find his mate, I'm starting to feel guilty with all the help he is giving us, he needs to be happy to" I said as I stroked his hair "ok, I will be back in exactly two weeks, please wait for me" "you make it sound like I'm going to run away, I'm not going anywhere, I'm here forever" he kissed my cheek then he jumped off the deck and shifted in the air, he grabbed his bag with his mouth then he was gone into the woods, "I think that’s my queue to leave, thanks Aria for letting him do this" "no worries, let's hope you find your mate at the first pack you come to" "that would be nice, bye" "bye".

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