Dixson's POV (50)

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Side story. (4)

Cora hasn't returned, I sat here waiting for a while, "where is my sister?" "She went back inside, she was shaking so I think she was cold, did you both have fun?" "Yeah, I had tons of fun, Grover wants to show me around, is that ok?" "Yeah, yeah sure" I said nervously, "I will protect her with my life" Grover said taken her hand and they went off running and giggling "don't venture too far out" "ok" he shouted back.

I wonder where Cora is? she doesn't live in the same building as me, I only saw the pups at lunch, they informed me they wasn't finished looking around, I never saw Cora either, what was strange as she always comes to lunch at the same time every day, if she doesn't come to dinner, I will take her some food, she may have caught a cold, it was pretty cold this morning and she didn't have many clothes on.

After lunch, I went for a nap, the nightmare last night was so vivid, I felt like I was back there, I have nightmares every night but last night, was the worst.

I got woken up by two crying pups, pushing and pulling me to wake me up, "what's going on?" I panicked, "Lucy? Grover? Why are you crying? What happened?" I said jumping out of bed, "it's Cora, she won't wake up, there's lots of bottles around and the room smells funny" "take me to her now".

Bottles? What kind of bottles? Pills? Alcohol? What smell is it? Blood has a strange odour to a pup, especially if they don't know what the smell is, all these questions rattled around my head as we raced to her room.

She would never kill herself, she wouldn't of left Grover like that, she adores him more then anything.

"She's in there" Grover said point into the light brown door, I crouched down and said to Grover, "please take Lucy to your room and do not come out until I come and get you, ok?" he nodded, Lucy didn't want to go but Grover persuaded her.

I watched as Lucy and Grover went into his room, I opened the door and the smell of alcohol hit me, there were three empty bottles on the floor, Lycan's have a really high tolerance to alcohol, the only stuff that affects us are spirits over 70% alcohol, one bottle would of had me on my arse, she had three.

"Cora, wake up" I said as I shook her, she didn't budget, I called her name as I shook her but nothing, she was still breathing, that was the first thing I checked, one of the times I shook her she let out a little grown.

'Maybe we could let out just a tiny bit of our pheromones to wake her?' Bear said a little worried, 'I don't think I could do that, I haven't used them in a long time, I don't think I remember how' 'just release a tiny bit of our pheromones, try to put her into heat, that should wake her up' 'you will have to help me' 'sure, when she starts moving, stop releasing your pheromones' 'okay'.

With Bear's help, I let out a tiny bit of my pheromones to wake Cora up, it worked, she started wiggling in bed, 'stop' bear said and I stopped them straight away, "come on Cora, please wake up" "no, I don't want to" "come on, Grover is upset, he did see you in this state".

Cora sat bolt up straight in bed, looked at me and said with tears starting to fall, "this is your fault I'm like this" "what?" "I love you Dixson, from the first time I met you in the field, it hurts me that... that evil bitch did all those god awful things to you, I wanted to help you to heal, and then maybe you will fall in love with me, we could be happy together, but no, you broke my heart this morning when you said you won't never have another mate", "Cora, I don't know what to say" "nothing, just get out of my fucking room" she shouted and started to hit my chest as she cried harder, I just let her hit me, what surprised me was, I wasn't scared or anything, any sort of violence, I cower away, not this time, she was upset and my instincts told me to let her do it.

She ran out of steam a few minutes later, she laid her head on my chest and cried, I didn't know what to do, 'put your arms around her' 'but I don't want her to get the wrong idea' 'don't kid yourself, I'm inside your head, I've seen the way you look at her, you like her' 'no, it's not...' 'put your arms around her' Bear interrupted.

I put my arms around her and pulled her a little closer, she wrapped her arms around me and just cried.

"I'm not sure if I could love you straight away, but we could possibly try" I whispered "really?" She said looking at me, "you have ugly crying face, so, I will try my hardest to never make you cry" I said wiping her tears away, "can I kiss you?" "Not right now, we need to take this very slow" "at a snail's pace" she smiled through her tears "do you want to lay down" she nodded.

We laid on her bed, facing each other, she used my arm as a pillow, it wasn't long before she fell asleep, my pheromones would have stated to wear off.

I moved a few strands of hair off her face and watched her as she slept, her face was all red, I don't know if it was from crying a lot or the effects of the alcohol, her eyes were puffy, that was from all the crying, 'I told you, you liked her also' 'yeah, your right, the fear flooded through me when Grover said there were bottles, I thought the worst, but I do have to admit, I'm scared' 'why? She's nothing like Luna, I honestly think we will be happy with Cora' 'nerves I suppose'.

I let what Bear said sink in, he was right, I've know Cora for a little while, she is so sweet, she would help anyone if they needed it, she also works at the packs school, all the kids love her, all the positive things swirling around my head, I fell asleep happy.

The first time in a very long time, I woke up by myself and not by having a nightmare, I had a dreamless sleep, it was still early, it was only starting to get light, Cora was still fast asleep on my arm, it was numb, I gently lifted her head as not to wake her up and for me to remove me arm.

I got out of bed and wondered down to Grover's room to check on them, I bet they were so scared.

I opened the door, Lucy was asleep on the bed and Grover was asleep on the floor, I walked over to the bed and recovered Lucy with the blanket when I felt a little hand grab my leg, making me jump, "what are you doing?" "It's ok Grover, it me" I whispered as I sat next to him, "are you going to take her away?" "No, not just yet" "how's my sister?" "She's fine, she just drank to much, I still need to talk to her, she's still sleeping at the moment, so you can get some more sleep", he nodded and laid back down, I covered him with his blanket and I left his room.

When I returned to Cora's room, I brought her some water and some painkillers, with the amount she drank, she will have a splitting headache.

I sat on the end of the bed and watched her, she turned over and knocked me, "Grover, can you go and get me some water please" "it's already on the night stand" I said, her eyes shot open and she set up, her face inches away from mine, she quickly moved away "why are you in my room?" "Do you not remember what happened last night?".

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