Lucy's POV (44)

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"Lucy, listen, do you think you can go inside and find where about the pups are and come and let us know?" The really big and scary Lycan started shouting, I was getting scared but Dixson has asked me to do this and its very important to him, "I’m seven not five, Dixson, I can do it, I promise I will find them for you" I shouted back at him, Dixson hugged me them I headed towards the dirty building, it smelled so bad like rotten food.

I pushed the door open as little as I could so I could slide in, it was dark inside, even though it was bright outside, I was really scared, I sat in the corner and cried, my body was shaking with fear.

I cried for a few minutes, then I could hear Dixson's voice in my head, 'you can do it Lucy, you are the best at finding things, I believe in you' "I will do it for you Dixson", I whipped my tears away, I crept in the shadows up the two lots of stairs, I can hear someone move about and the smell was getting worse the higher I got.

I got to the door but I couldn't see through the window, I wasn’t tall enough, I looked around and I found a metal box I could use to stand on, I dropped the box at the door, it was heavier then I thought, I heard movement get closer to the door, I hid behind a table that was tipped over, I heard the door open and some foot steps walking around, when the door opened the smell poured out the room, I thought I was going to be sick, I had to put my hands over my mouth to stop me making any noise, I was so afraid he was going to find me here.

I waited till the door closed, I peeked around the table, there was no one, I quietly got up and went to the door, I stood up on the box and looked in the window, it was really dirty, I whipped a little space so I could see, it wasn’t clear but I could see enough.

The pups were on the floor on a blanket, fidgeting around, the man was looking out the back window, looking around the room, I knew I couldn’t enter the room without that man seeing me but to the side, there was another door, is was darker so I could hide in.

I got down off the box and went looking for that door, it was in the next room, the door was broken at the bottom so I could crawl in, the smell was the worst in this room, there was a long wooden box where the really bad smell was coming from, I went to open the box but I heard the door open, I quickly hid in the shadows, the man crouched down next to the box and started talking "I’ve got two of the pups, I don’t know where the third one is but I will find it, if I can’t be happy then no of my kids can be" he lifted the lid to the wooden box, lifting up a lock of hair and smelling it.

As he carried on talk to whatever was in the box, I crept so slowly through the broken door, I run to the pups, I picked one up, he was a little heavy, I tried to pick the other one up but I struggled, I cant leave him, I tried a second time and I got them both in my arms, "shhh, I'm here to save you" I whispered, I tried to open the door as quietly as I could, it creaked as I closed, I was so scared to the spot that he heard me.

He didn’t luckily, I slowly made it down the stairs, I really struggled holding the pups, they kept moving, I was so worried I was going to drop one or both of them, if I did, that Dixson would be mad with me and the bid scary Lycan would probably kill me.

I made it to the door but I couldn't open it, I had to find another was out, I couldn't call out to Dixson as the man upstairs would hear me, I looked in all the rooms to find another door, I couldn't but I did find a broken window, I put the pups down on a table, I took my jacket off and put it over the broken glass, I was glad that the window was low to the ground, I got the first pup out and put him down on the ground and I went back in for the second one.

As I passed through the broken window a piece of glass scratched my arm, making it bleed a lot, I picked up the pup I placed on the floor and I followed Dixson's scent.

"LUCY" Dixson shouted, he got to me first, "sorry Dixson, I know you said to come back when I found them but I couldn't leaven them there" "hand me the pups" he said, I just shook my head no, "these are that Lycan's pups, I will give them to him" "Ranger, she wants to give them to you" the big Lycan stood in front of us and said "is he the only one in there?" I nodded, "Dixson take the little one and the pups back to the pack house, I need to pay him a visit".

A Reluctant Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें