Yes Mr. King-12

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As we drive for a while listening to music and occasionally talking we make it into the city. We pass by the rough side of town as we speed down the freeway and then make it into the business district. He turns onto the exit ramp and I can see his building for a bit until its covered by the ones closer to us. As I look at the building he turns. I look over to the direction the car is heading as we pull into a parking spot at Starbucks. I look over at him and my face lights up. As he looks over and smiles back.

He gets out of the car but I don't as I learned what happens if I do. He rounds the car and watches me through the windshield still smiling. He opens the door and holds my hand as we walk to the building. Once again opening the door for me.

As we walk up to the counter we wait for the woman in front of us to order. When she is finnished we walk to the counter and I'm about to give my order to the tall girl with dimples, black curls, and glasses, a woman that appears to be about 5'8 walks out of the back and once she sees Elec she puts on her sexiest face, fixes her hair, and struts over to the counter pushing the sweet girl to the side to make the other womans drink. As she makes it to the counter she immediatly leans over it pushing her boobs together with her arms. "What can I do for you." She smiles and looks up at Elec not even acknowledging my existance. I look over at him expecting him to be drooling over this woman. Yes shes acting like a whorish bitch, but shes stunning. But when I look over he is staring straight at me. He can tell I'm uncomfortable.

I look back over to the woman who is still laying the "suducion" on pretty thick, but is now clearly annoyed that he isnt attending to her. He grabs my chin and I look back over to him only for his mouth close immediatly over mine.

His kiss is savage and possessive. His tongue enters my mouth on impact pushing it into mine. He drifts the hand that was on my chin to cradle my face. And the other, of course, is squeezing harshly on my ass. After about a thirty second ravaging. Hes done. He looks back over to order his coffee like nothing happened. She is now standing straight up clearly pissed off. I order my coffee and the woman speaks again not even looking up from the computer screen that she is puting our order in on, tapping her fake nail aggressivly every time it hits the screen. "Would you like to try our breakfast specials?" She says obnoxiously. He immediately answers. "Mmm no thank you I already have her on the menu. What about you baby?"

She is too stunned for words. At this point I think I see a little steam come out of her ears. All ahe can do is stand there with her mouth open like a cod fish.

After we get our coffee and such, we are driving to the office. We make it there and i expect to park right up front but instead we go down an alley next to the building. He pushes a button on his dash and a gradge door opens. There are no bottoms implying that there is only one place this elevator goes. Soon we are going up.. In a car... In an elevator.... Woah.

We make it to the top and the doors slide open to a garage that looks to hold about five cars. We pull up to the closest parking spot and get out. He leads me to a door and opens it to reveal his office.

I tell him how cool it is and he listens to me ramble on about car elevators and many other subjects that I burn through quickly as I follow him around as he opens all the blinds and doors. He walks over to me and before I can protest he lifts me onto his desk effortlessly. He drops to his knees and takes off my shoes, letting them fall to the floor. He kisses the top of both my feet, then my shins, and then my knees. All while keeping eye contact. I give him a confused look and he smiles. Pushing my thighs apart.

"I wasnt kidding when I said I was going to have you for breakfast."

Yes, Mr. KingWhere stories live. Discover now