Yes Mr. King- 21

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The drive to Annas parents house was quiet. She looks terrified and the thought of turning the car back toward the city and taking her on a lavish date, instead of this shit show, crosses my mind at least nine times. I try not to look at her too much but to no avail I sneak another look at her. This time she is looking back.

"My mom is going to judge you.. so is my dad. And I have no idea what my brother will say." She looks back down at her hands and then reaches up to her neck to run her fingers across the multiple million dollar necklace that is wrapped around her throat.
"My love, I don't care what they say about me. The only time I'll be disrespectful, is if they are disrespectful to you." I lay my hand on her bare thigh that is exposed from the slit in the dress. She puts her hand over mine, wrapping her little hand around my pinky. "My mom is going to assume you're a lowlife because of your tattoos, and she will be wearing a fake Gucci dress she bought when I was in middle school. It's what she wears when she wants to impress people. My dad is a "businessman", but he really only invests in stocks and owns a tiny company in England. My mom used to be a teacher but then quit when my dad swore we were going to get rich, but we never made it past the upper middle class. My brother is an Electrician and an asshole. He always used to tell me how ugly, fat, and lazy I am. He never lets me forget that I'll never amount to anything. Even as we got older, in highschool, he treated me the same.. but his wife Hannah, oh my gosh she's amazing. I love her so much, she's a nail tech and she is so amazing at her job."

"We can turn around baby. We don't have to go." I say in a soft voice looking at her, then back at the road. She doesn't answer but then quietly says no. "You never told me their names?"

"My mom's name is Laura and my dad's name is James. My brothers name is Eric."

I nod my head and then turn onto the road her parents live on. We drive for a little bit longer into the country and then she points to a middle class house, it can't be worth more than $500,000. Pathetic. "That one." She says quietly. I pull into the driveway and park behind the dirty work truck in front of the garage. My red Farrari putting it and the house to shame. I get out, going around to get Anna, then going up to the door. Before I can knock, it swings open and a man that is quite a bit shorter than me, with a goatee and a hat on, busch light in hand, shoots me a dirty look. "She brought him." He yells over his shoulder. As I'm about to introduce myself, a woman who is about 5 inches taller than Anna with the same color hair and an almost similar facial structure comes around the corner with pot holders in her hand.        "God damnit Anna. What did I say." She storms over putting a hand on her hip. "You don't listen for shit!" Her brother chimes in. I shoot him a glare almost as deadly as the force I'm clenching my fist with behind Anna. "I'm not coming in without him. " She holds her chin high, defiance rolls off her. Good girl.
Her mother storms off in the other direction and she walks forward. I follow closing the door behind me. Then I get the view of the rest of the living room where her dad is sitting in a recliner facing away from us, not even turning to see us. I fucking hate it here. I hold Anna closer to me as we walk into the kitchen where everyone is congregated. I see her brother leaning against the counter eating a biscuit like a pig, making a mess. Laura simply picks up after him and continues cooking. I see a young lady that appears to be Eric's age. She is a kind looking girl and her face lights up when she sees Anna. "Heyy!" She says the way girls do when they're excited. I let go of Anna and she goes in for a hug. "Oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" I see Anna smile for the first time since we have been here and it's contagious. I smile seeing the sister-in-law love. She turns around and looks at me like I'm her prized possession at show and tell, reaching for me, I gladly take her hand. "This is Elec. My mate." I go in for a handshake but she goes in for a friendly hug with one arm . "Oh my goodness where do I get one!" Anna and Hannah both laugh loudly at the joke. Her brother storms over, clearly a few beers deep, and slurs. " Watch it." As I am about to say something I hear a man's voice behind me. "What the fuck is this?" Anna's eyes bug as she pulls me toward her.

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