Yes Mr. King-25

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Morning light streams through the window, casting bright light over my eyelids. Holy shit I feel like I got hit by a truck. Oh wait.. I did. I turn slightly but can't move. I open my eyes and look down. Elec has his arms wrapped around my waist, his head laying on my stomach. I run my hand through his hair. I look over and almost audibly gasp. There are bookshelves where the big window used to be. And a cute little bed with fluffy blankets and pillows in one corner, and in the other if a hanging cacoon chair with a big fluffy grey blanket laying inside, slightly hanging out and touching the floor. I admire the aclove until I feel eyes on me. I look down at Elec and he is looking at me smiling.
I'm at a loss for words. I look back over to the shelf's noticing my new books are already in them. The bottom shelf is up to my waist. The rest is pretty granite stone. "You already have a library.." I say. He let's go of my waist and comes up to my face. He kisses my temple and then says, "yes. But this is for your books, and just a few of my favorites. This it ours." I turn in his arms and hug him close. "Thank you so much.." I smile.
One week later

It has been a week and Elec still insists that I'm hurt. He is so gentle and I'm greatful that he cares so much, but the sexual tension that has built up is thick enough to choke a bitch. My cuts are pretty well healed and my bruises are only a light purple and almost faded. Elec had the car sent to France to have the body re-done, and is supposed to be back in a month or two. I walk out of the bathroom after brushing my hair and changing into sweatpants and a bralette. I walk over to my closet, and spray on perfume just because. Loretta doesn't work on Sundays and Elec had to go to the office for a few hours. I'm kinda bored. I walk into Elecs closet, it smells like him. I smile to myself. I really don't know why I came in here. I walk over to his casual clothes and grab a zip up sweatshirt. I put it on, way too big. I smile to myself and lift the shirt to my nose, inhaling his scent. I walk out of his closet, drowning in his big ass sweatshirt. Making my way downstairs and sitting on the couch I turn on Netflix, then chosing the movie Storks. I get tired from watching one of my comfort movies and the warmth that I'm surrounded by in this sweatshirt, I slowly lay on the arm of the large couch and fall asleep. 

Elecs POV

I walk in the door a little after 1:00 in the afternoon, I see the end credits of a animated movie rolling on the TV and I can just see Anna's hair on the arm of the couch. I put my things down and walk over to her. She sleeps on her hands with her legs curled up under a fluffy white blanket. She is wearing a sweatshirt that I've had since I was in college. I lay my hand on her head and run it down her hair. I crouch down beside the couch pushing her hair away from her face. The opens her eyes and smiles, still not fully awake. She reaches toward me and I scoop her up, sitting where she was laying. Now in my lap she cuddles into my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso. "Hi baby, how are you feeling?" She is still tired, I can tell. "Fine" she says quietly. I rub her back with one hand and gently scratch her scalp with my other. "Mm, I think we should go upstairs and nap a little longer, hmm?" I ask with a deep calming voice. She murmurs a small "mhm" and lets me carry her up to our room. I lay her in bed and crawl in next to her after striping down to my boxers. She leans into me, already asleep. I scroll on my phone for twenty minutes or so and then fall asleep with Anna.

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