Yes Mr. King-27

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It has been a few days since our episode in the home office and Elec has been working all day. He said I can take a half day so I got home a little past eleven. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled in a few hours with the mate specialist. I'm not really sure why because Elec is the one who verified everything. I run a shower and change clothes before watching a movie and talking to Loretta, just trying to find different ways to kill time. I manage to stay busy for two hours, deciding to read a book for the hour that is left until I leave the house. I go to the little library in our room and grab my current read, sitting in the cacoon chair. I'm able to finish my book with about fifteen minutes to spare, deciding that showing up early won't be a problem. I go to the garage and decide on the red hellcat.

I am sitting in the waiting room of the office, waiting for my name to be called. When it does I go back to the room and begin answering the routine questions. Then, when she leaves, the mating specialist comes in, smiling. We greet each other and she sits where the other woman was. "So, you have been with Mr. King for about five months now, correct?" I'm kind of surprised at the number, it feels like we met last week, and when I think about it, the five month mark of our meeting will be sometime next week. "Yes." I answer with a smile. "Okay, considering your wedding will be sometime in the next seven months, we will need to discuss your decision on birth control, now wh-" "I'm sorry what?!" I ask cutting her off. She jumps at the sudden burst. "Ma'am are you familiar with the process of-" I cut her off again. "No I'm- well kind of, I.. can I please have a minute?" I stumble over my words but she understands and leaves the room, gently closing the door behind her. I immediately call Elec. "Sweet heart? Done with your appointment already?" He asks when he picks up. "Elec.. can you please come here?" I ask quietly. " Of course princess, I'm on my way. Are you okay?" I'm quiet for a second or two and then answer. "Yea.. I just.. , can you come right now?" I hear his pace pick up like he is speed walking to his car. "I'm on my way baby, I'll be there in a bit."

I hang up the phone trying to process what she said.

Elecs building is less than a mile from here so he walked into the room in less than five minutes. "What's wrong baby?" He asks, concern written all over his face. "I'm so confused.." I start. He immediately crouches in front of me, holding my hands and looking up at me. " She said we are getting married in seven months and then said something about birth control.... I don't understand I-"
He stands up, picking me up with him. He sits with me on his lap and gently holds my face in his left hand, running his thumb over my cheek. "Shhhh" he gently hushes me. "There are lots of rules when you find your mate. There has to be some sort of matremony, and then we have to consummate the marriage. So we have to legally be married, and then validate our bond by having sex." He says sex so bluntly, my face reddens and I smile slightly. "Is that why we haven't done.. it?" I ask with an embarrassed smile. He nods his head yes, smiling. " What happens if we don't get married before seven months?" I ask . " Then that means we are no longer permitted to be mates, so we will both be deemed infertile and we can kind of go about our regular lives like they were before we met. Some people believe that you can find love after leaving your mate but there isn't any proof to back It up. Many who leave their mates become incredibly ill, or even go insane. Almost every time the ability to feel pleasure not only sexually, but any other way, is dead. It's horrible to go through, I'm not really sure why people choose to do it." After his explanation we sit together until the mate specialist comes back in. She varifies our promise to marry and then asks about the birth control again. "So are we planning on having children right after matremony?" She asks like she's talking to both of us, but she only looks at Elec. He looks down at me. "So when we are married
Do you want to have kids right away or do you want to wait?" I look at him, not really sure what to say. "What do you want to do?" I ask him. "It's your body sweetheart. If you want to wait I will wait for as long as you want, but if you want to have children right away then I can do that for you." He asks, giving me the choice. "I feel like having kids right away will be too soon.." I don't know why but I feel like he is going to be mad. He smiles at me and gently kisses my head. "Okay, then that means we need you to pick what kind of birth control you'd like to go on ." " And we should start it right away, to ensure it does it's job when you two decide to get married." The specialist adds in quickly. Elec answers her in a calm manner. "We will need a day or two to discuss our options, thank you. " And with that he takes me by the hand and we leave.

When we get home he sits me down over a late lunch, Loretta made us shrimp Alfredo (per my request), and it was ready when we got home. "So, we need to discuss what kind of birth control you are going on. There are many different options. I just want to put out there.. you're probably not going to do good with the traditional pill, it can be hard to keep track of. He says with a serious expression. "Yea I don't thinks that's a good idea.." I giggle a little bit and he smiles. "There is the option of IUD. I know women who have them and they tend to hurt being put in and taken out. " I shake my head no quickly. He laughs again." The last two long term methods are the shot, that last three months, so you would have to go in to get the shot every two and a half months, or there is the implant, that goes in your arm, it has been said to feel like a shot. It lasts around four years." I sit and think for a little bit and then look up at him. " Can I do the one in my arm? The implant?" "Of course baby, I'll make an appointment tomorrow so I can go with you." I smile, taking another bite. "Thank you."
He smiles back, clearing the plate of any leftover food.

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