Yes Mr. King-23

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I have a slight ache between my legs when I sit at the table with Elec. Hannah is already here and Eric is at the fridge grabbing yet another beer. He leaves the door open and my mom simply walks by and shuts it. I feel anger boil deep in my chest, her picking up after him his entire life has always gotten to me. He's a child. I look over at Elec studying the table. "What are you looking at?" I whisper, leaning into him. A small smirk plays on his face. I smile slightly , still confused. He leans over to me and says, "this table is fake cedar and it's starting to rot under the resin. It's cheap as fuck." I smirk at him and he points to the knot in the wood that is indeed rotting and starting to eat away at the resin over top of it. I laugh slightly, trying to cover my smile with my hand. My mom comes around the corner putting down a dish aggressively and yelling towards her room for my dad. "JAMES!" I look at Elec who slightly contorts his face at the loud ass woman next to him. The door opens quickly and my dad storms down the hallway sitting at the head of the table, not saying anything, and dishing up food. My brother is at the other end of the table doing the same. "Are you hungry baby?" Elec asks quietly. "I'm really not but if I don't get something my mom will cause a scene." He rubs my back and grabs a plate for me. "What do you want?" He looks at me. He is literally about to get my food for me. "Just the cheesy potatoes, a little bit." He leans forward, his huge arms effortlessly reaching the dish. He scoops a little bit just like I asked, and sits the plate down in front of me. "You can't even get your own fucking food? Jesus is he going to feed you too?" Elec makes eye contact with my dad. I've never seen him look like that. My stomach drops, he looks fucking terrifying. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's about to jump the table and kill my dad with the butter knife. I put my hand on Elecs muscular thigh. Just then he speaks in a calm voice. " I would get on my knees and kiss the ground she walks on if she asked." My dad scoffs and shakes his head, shoving more food in his face. "are you hungry Elec?" I ask him. " I don't need to-" I cut him off by standing and grabbing a plate. I have to lean pretty significantly over the edge of the table to reach all of the dishes of food. Just then I feel Elecs hand caress the back of my thigh, the slit of my dress giving him easy access for the affectionate touch. He lays his hand flat and runs it up and down slightly. He pulls his hand away as I sit down. I put the plate in front of him, he got decent amounts of everything. "Thank you, my love." He says kissing my cheek. His arm rests wrapped around me, his hand resting on my hip on my opposite side. I lean forward to take a bite, holding my necklace to ensure I don't get it dirty. "Oh stop, you're not fooling anyone, it's fucking fake. I can see the Walmart tag from here." My mom gives me a disgusted look. I really don't know what to say. I look over when I hear a laugh. Elec is sitting there trying not to choke on the food in his mouth. "What in the fuck is so funny?" My mom says, getting pissed. Elec swallows and clears his throat. "actually this is a Pandora original, I can assure you it is easily worth more than your house. If you tack on the matching earrings, they are probably worth more than your assets too." He smiles cocky as fuck and my eyes bug. I never asked how much they actually were. "Elec how much are they?" I ask, still holding my fork in my hand as I was about to take a bite. "Just a couple million honey." A fork drops loudly against a plate and all the attention turns to Eric. "Bullshit. That fucking bullshit." He says with food in his mouth. " Actually they are natural diamonds encased with black ore silver, but good guess." Elec says nonchalantly. I laugh, covering my mouth. Hannah looks down and I can see her body shaking with laughter. " I want fucking proof." Eric says. He leans back folding his arms thinking he won. Elec takes another bite of food and starts typing on his phone. After about ten seconds he finds a digital receipt from Pandora that does indeed verify a purchase of $2,500,000. My jaw drops as he turns it toward my brother. His face reddens and all he can say is "it's probably fake." My mother and my dad are the next to see it, they are both floored as well.
"Either that or she-" my brother starts again but is quickly cut off by Elecs much deeper voice. "I would think long and hard about what you say next. Especially if it's about your sister." His tone is warning, kind of like the one he uses when I act up, except this time there is no expression on his face but death, and it's all pinned at my brother. My brother leans forward, cocky. This is going to end badly.

Elecs POV

I wait for him to speak again. I glance around the table. At this point her mother fears me, and her dad wants to see how far I'll go. And her brother is the fucking bait. "I was going to say, I bet she sold herself like a whor-" he is cut off by Elec quickly standing. He grabs Eric by the throat and lifts him off his feet to his height. His face is red, he can't breathe because Elec is squeezing so hard. He kicks his legs like a toddler that wants to get put down. Everyone has stood up but froze because Elec turns and glares at everyone in the room. "Now that we are seeing eye to eye on this. I want you to apologize to your sister." Eric claws at Elecs hand and utters out a horrible, strangled "I'm s-sorry." When he does Elec drops him to the floor. He coughs and gasps like a little bitch holding his neck. My dad walks forward like he is about to do something Elec turns toward him, his sheer size makes my dad look like a child. He steps back. "Get the fuck out! Both of you!" My mom yells. I run over to Elec. "Are you crazy?! You're going to get arrested!" He grabs my hand "it's ok baby I have a really good lawyer." He says calmly. "Now let's get out of this shit hole, I'm taking you home." He pulls me toward the door and I turn to see Hannah smiling at me, I mouth a "bye" as we walk through the open door, down the pathway to the car. He gets me settled into the passenger side and then gets ready to drive. I start laughing hysterically putting my face in my hands. "You're crazy." I say still in disbelief. We fly down the dirt road and then turn back on the two lane highway. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "Only for you baby, for you I'm fucking insane."

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