Heart of Darkness

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(Location: Unknown)
(Time: Unknown)

(Jon POV)

"Sansa!!!" I shout for what seems like the thousandth time as I rush through the forest.

"Sansa can you hear me where are you!!!" the panic in my chest growing heavier and heavier as I try to navigate my way through this dark place.

"I'm here Jon" I hear Sansa shout about a few dozen feet away from me but since it's so dark I can't see her.

"I'm coming Sansa guys stay put!" I shout as I run in the direction I heard her voice.

But as I approach the place where the heard her voice I don't see anyone here "Sansa! Where are you"I shout while whipping the torch back and forth.

"Down here silly" Sansa says down by my feet.

As I look down I suddenly feel sick as I see a half decomposed corpse with it's eyes still moving and looking at me. I fight the urge to vomit as I start to tremble 'this can't be real none of this makes any sense' I say to myself to try and gain some small measure of comfort.


I look down at the corpse which has started laughing at me to the point that the corpses jaw has fallen off "YOU ARE NOT REAL!" I shout while shoving my torch into its mouth the body erupting in flames. The brightness is too much for my eyes so I cover them but when I move my hand back down the boys is gone.

"This can't be real" I say in a pathetically sad voice as my situation starts to overwhelm me. It reminds me of what my father told me once.


Jon is currently sitting by his father in the great hall, only then two are awake as Ned found Jon hiding under his bed when a nasty gust of wind blew his candles out.

"It's okay to be scared Jon but don't forget that the only person you'll have to face in the dark is yourself and whatever demons you come up with" Ned says in a light tone

"In the absence of light it gives our mind time to reflect on what we fear, what we regret and the horror of losing people we care about" as he says this he puts a hand on Jon's shoulder.

"Just be brave and calm it may not be easy but even the darkest moments of your life have some light in them "Ned says with a smile

(Flashback end)

I close my eyes and take a deep breath and steady myself 'Im fine' I repeat to myself and then I open my eyes again 'but Sansa isn't and she doesn't have any light' I say with new determination.

I keep walking back the way I came at least I think it's the way I came, hopefully I'll be able to find some tracks that might lead me to Sansa.


I keep walking with my back straight and my head up looking for any sign that Sansa might be in the area.

*Loud Whispers*

'Be brave just like father said' I think to myself while ignoring the increasingly closer whispering.

(Undermined time later)

"Jon, Jon Jon come back" I hear "Arya" say while I continue looking for tracks

"Brother please don't leave I need you I can't move I think I've broken my leg" "Rob" says while sounding barely coherent.

I clench my fists as I keep walking ignoring the voices coming from the dark.

"I thought better of you"

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