Salt Wife

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(Kings Landing)

The small council once again was in session though the only member not in attendance was Varys as he was sent away by the king the final words he said to him were 'Find me that silver-haired fucker or don't bother returning' The king was determined to find Aegon as he had an idea of where Daeron was but none whatsoever of the real contender.

"The North has started to gather and will soon make way for Moat Cailin before travelling to meet the Reach forces at the Princes Pass" Ned stated as he read the reply sent to him by his son.

The king then looked to his youngest brother "I've called for the banners in the Stormlands, with the rest of the Reach will take the route through the Boneway"

"Still no word from the golden cunt" the king asked.

"L-Lord Tywin must be extremely busy, Old Town is quite close to the Westerlands perhaps he is attempting to shore up his defences" Pycelle reasons.

"Fuck the cunt! I won't wait when the men are ready we will launch the invasion I won't wait for the old cunt to shift himself off his golden privy" The king shouted.

"Are you sure that's wise your grace, the Westerlands boast the best-equipped army in the seven kingdoms, they would be an asset during the war" King Roberts's other brother Stannis states.

The king shakes his head "We leave once the men are mustered" he says leaving no more room for argument.

"Your grace, perhaps other avenues may be explored, ones that all but guarantee their deaths," Littlefinger says with his signature smirk.

"Speak plainly Littlefinger!" Robert states not wanting to deal with his word play.

"A faceless man while expensive could be just the thing needed to deal with a dragon rider" he explained

The king smirks he had wanted to kill the bastard himself but he wouldn't be foolish enough to meddle with a dragon "Hire them, take the Gold you need" he states.

Ned stands up in shock "Robert surely you don't mean to have my nephew assassinated, we agreed he'd go to the wall, you can't seriously be speaking of this"

The King stands up towering over those who were present "Oh it's unspeakable, is it? What Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister was unspeakable, and how his bastard traipses around Dorne with his pleasure harem as if he were Maegor come alive. NO! I will not have it!" He stands slamming his fist down upon the table.

"You are not foolish Ned you knew how this would end, and it wouldn't be with that bastard going to the wall, it would be with his head on a spike or crushed beneath my hammer" Robert shouts at a speechless Ned.

"Hire the faceless men" he commands before walking out.

(Summer Sea)

Asha was sitting off the side of the ship fishing once again, she decided that it was best to leave her cabin, she would not be one of those maidens who cried for her love, the fact that she already had was embarrassing. But it overwhelmed her with sadness that she realised she wouldn't see him again, that she was going back to a family that didn't care about her, she knew her father well and knew that he would've sent no ships to search for her.

She's then snapped out of her thoughts by a roar that shakes the boat, while some of the crew soiled themselves and passed out, others ran and attempted to make the ship go faster. Asha knew it wasn't an enemy though as she had heard that roar many times. Her heart started beating increasingly faster 'Why is he here!?' She thought to herself as she climbed back into the boat putting her fishing rod down. She looks up into the sky and sees the crimson dragon descend below the clouds, the crew who hadn't seen a dragon before panicked and some even jumped into the water attempting to get away from the monster.

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