Ghost Town

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Oberyn, Aegon and Ned had all spent the past few days on the small ship together. Needless to say, it had been an incredibly tense ordeal; Aegon being the boy that he is only saw Ned as the enemy —which he was in the simplest terms. But Ned did not help things when he called Rhaenys a creature. Many times Oberyn had to stop the boy from drawing his sword on the older lord. The true victim in this whole situation was Oberyn who had to spend time on the boat with two people that he despised —his fake nephew and someone who put his family in danger.

Oberyn and Ned had come to an arrangement, though Oberyn didn't have much choice in the matter considering their current position. Ned would assist him in helping his brother and he would give Ned the ship they were on; Ned Stark was known as a man of honour throughout Westeros, but considering his recent actions Oberyn was unsure of whether that was ever true. However in the position he was in he had little choice; otherwise all he would have was Aegon —the hotheaded possible Blackfyre.

After a tense few they finally came up close to the shore of Sunspear "Remember what I told you, stay close to me and do not run off on your own, we do not know what lies in wait," Oberyn stated from the wheel of the ship.

"Of course Uncle, though I still think you are worried for nothing, Uncle Doran will be fine, you'll see," Aegon said with a carefree smile, though when his gaze drifted to Ned it melted away and morphed into a scowl. To him, Ned supported his enemies and was part of the reason he and Rhaenys had to grow up in exile. 'Rhaenys... I miss you sister, keep our child safe,' he thought to himself as he tore his gaze away from the Stark Lord.

"If there are any issues then surely docking at the harbour will not be wise," Ned commented while looking at Oberyn.

"You're right of course, but if I have to infiltrate my own home I'd rather be inside the walls than out," Oberyn replied.

"Whoever has inserted themselves in Sunspear have also gone through great trouble to conceal themselves, I do not think they'd so carelessly reveal themselves and attack a Prince in such a populated place," he added.

"That creature attacked you in your army camp, mayhaps it's not wise to place such expectations on whoever they are," Ned advised.

Aegon's hand went to his sword as he growled "Do not speak of my sister like that, she would never have attacked us, let alone in the way you're suggesting," he growled out as he was moments away from drawing his sword.

"Calm yourself Aegon, we have no time to fight amongst ourselves!" Oberyn shouted at the young man.

"Do you not hear how he mocks my sister, your niece!" He shouted.

Oberyn had to hold his tongue, he was very close to telling this boy how that creature was no niece of his before thrusting his spear into his chest and letting the ocean carry his body away. But he had to be calm, he remembered his real niece's words to him; he knew that his skill with a weapon would not help them, but his mind would. Get this fake Aegon onto their side, use the Golden Company to support the Dornish forces and repel the Stag King. However, this was easier said than done when every time he looked at Aegon he wished to kill him.

"Aegon... I believe Rhaenys is not in her right mind, I hope here we can find answers to what has happened to her," Oberyn said through clenched teeth.

Aegon deflated a little bit as he expected his uncle to support him "Uncle surely you can't mean that?" He replied.

"Can you explain how she chased after us? The weird fog we saw? Something is wrong Aegon and we must find out what," he insisted.

Aegon had no words to refute what his uncle had said; in truth the previous night was strange. He had never seen Rhaenys act in such a way, but there was surely nothing wrong with her. He let his hand fall away from the pommel of his sword and put his hands on the side of the ship.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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