Discovering Oneself

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Daeron walked through the streets of Pentos alone, he wanted time to explore the city as he had not gotten a lot of time to relax due to recent events. He felt like the entire time he spent in Westeros was one task after the other, and while often he'd brought these things upon himself he was still quite tired.

Spending time with Ashara had helped, he felt as if his soul became lighter when he spent time with her and it was most of the reason why he slept with her, though he didn't much understand why she would sleep next to him, perhaps at first when he was an emotional wreck after his brother died but not now.

Daeron put those thoughts behind him as he woke the market streets of Pentos, Arthur and the rest of his group were acquiring lodging for the next few days that they were here. Once they acquired passage to Volantis they'd need to either get their ship or travel across land, the option was the most likely as he doubted they'd find a crew stupid enough to talk to Valyria.

While Daeron had resolved himself to relax he couldn't help but think about the people in Pentos, more specifically the people he would like to kill 'Calm yourself Daeron, they will die, but it's better to not risk it now' he thought to himself as he approached a stall and bought a pitcher of sweetened milk. In the centre of the market was a large fountain with beautiful intricate designs depicting various images, Daeron took a seat by the fountain and started drinking his milk out of the pitcher.

"You look rather strange sitting there alone drinking from a pitcher of milk"

Daeron heard a voice say to him, he turned and saw a beautiful girl with silver hair that cascaded in curls down her back, she wore a pale blue gown that was almost thin enough to be see-through "I'd say that I wasn't usually so strange but I don't think I could even convince myself of such words" Daeron replied with a half smile.

The girl snorted as she took a seat next to him, she was much shorter than he was, so much so that her feet almost didn't reach the ground when she sat. Though it was clear she wasn't a little girl as she had a very full figure in proportion to her size "Perhaps being strange is not a bad thing" She said as she swung her feet.

Daeron chuckled "You'd be surprised at how much trouble being strange can get you in, people have killed for less"

The girl tilted her head to the side looking thoughtful "May I have some of your milk?" She asked sweetly.

Seeing no issue with it Daeron handed her the pitcher and she smiled at him "Mayhaps strange is just another way of saying kind" she said as she took a sip of the sweet liquid.

She then handed back the pitcher to Daeron before wiping her lips "Then I believe you'd be right... people have killed for less"

Daeron couldn't help but smile at the girl, she was younger than he was but seemed to show a wisdom he'd only seen in older people such as Ashara 'Or maybe everyone is more intelligent than I' he thought to himself. However, he was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when the girl started talking again.

"I sometimes think we must be living in the times before the end," she said thoughtfully as she looked up towards the sky.

Daeron scrunched his eyebrows "Why would you think that?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"I used to dream a lot, I dream of a future where I stand beside a man with black locks of hair and eyes that seemed to be a kaleidoscope of colour" she explained as she looked down from the sky and back to him.

"But as of late my dreams have frightened me" she said with a slight tremble in her voice.

"I dream of nothing," she said in a cold voice.

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