Sea Adventures

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(AN: you guys neeeeed to chill, I'm releasing this chapter early cause I've been too tempted to spoil in comments section when people say he got nerfed or he lost his dragon 🤣)

(Location: Volantis)
(Time: Afternoon)

(1 month later)

Things had been pretty hectic since Jon was thrust back into the world of the living.

When he took his first breath back in the real world he realised he was in a burning ship, panicking he tried to get up but his body was weak and on top of him was a deep red dragon that that had smooth scales, as if they had never seen the outside before, small spines ran down the baby dragons back leading to a spiked tail. The most noticeable thing about the creature was that it had four legs in addition to its wings, unlike Vhagar who only had a single pair.

He looked into the creatures eyes, they were a mismatch of a deep purple similar to those you'd find in a Targaryen and a cold grey similar to Jon's own, yet unlike Vhagar when he first saw his eyes these ones were brimming with intelligence. Jon touched the dragons head and instantly felt the connection form.

'Father' Jon heard in his head as soon as the connection formed.

Needless to say Jon was shocked when he heard the dragon speak to him moments after being hatched. Hugging the creature close to him he murmured what would be the dragons name.

"Shiera" He whispered and the dragon purred in content.

After being fished out of the ocean by Arthur who dove in as soon as he saw Jon moving, the girls didn't let him go for close to an hour not including Asha who just gave him an awkward shoulder pat.

Rhaenys revealing in their renewed connection refused to be apart from him the first week that he had come back, she even allowed Sansa and Joy to share the captains chambers with them, it usually ended up with Jon in the middle, Rhaenys on his left and Sansa on his right with Joy in the middle and Shiera by his head. Though it did make for an awkward situation when Jon would wake up with his cock hard and it would usually nestle itself between Joys thighs, something she didn't help with when she'd Squeeze them together and move up and down.

Rhaenys would sometimes catch her but she wouldn't say anything on the contrary she would go to Jon's neck and start kissing it, though lucky Sansa was a deep sleeper so she hadn't seen the duo both pleasure Jon at the same time.

When Jon asked why Rhaenys was okay with it she simply said.

"You defeated a god and saved us and also died for us, I thought I'd never see you again, now that you came back to me I'd make every woman on this ship fuck you" She said with no hint of emotion.

"Plus I don't think I have the heart to take you away from Sansa, she's had a crush on you since I first met her" Rhaenys says again with a small laugh.

So for the next few weeks Jon slept in bed and rested, he could feel his magic inside him but it felt no bigger than a candle and when he tried to draw on it the most he'd get was a spark. Looking deeper he found an ocean, and above the ocean was a never ending snow storm, he knew what the snow represented as he uses it to Warg but he didn't understand what the ocean was.

Nissa had been visiting him in his dreams sometimes and he had asked her if she knew what it was. When she took a look at him she told him it was because of the way he was brought back.

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