Magic and sickness

437 17 2

(Location: Sothoryos)
(Time: Nightfall, 295 AC)

(Jon POV)

I could hear the sounds from the first drawing ever closer to the place of refuge we found as I keep scraping my knife against the flint in order to start a fire.

"Come on! Come on!" I shout as I start to dread what may happen if anything manages to get into this cave, I feel my body get heated as the panic sets in I can hear footsteps from outside the cave, I hear roars and sounds that made the creature I faced earlier seem like a kitten.

*I Told You The Light Would Die*

I froze in place as I slowly looked up but there was nothing or no one there 'I'm losing myself, I just need to get the torch lit' I think to myself resolutely.

*No we are just already inside*

I hear from behind me and then all of a sudden I'm grabbed and being dragged towards the mouth of the cave by what feels like the scruff of my neck.

"Fuck, Shit, Fuck, Cunt" I curse as I struggle in vain to get myself untangled from whatever has grabbed me but every time I put my hand where I feel the arm to be it passes straight through as if I was grabbed by the wind.

With desperation filling me I feel the familiar warmth rise up inside myself, I feel as if I'm about to explode.

"GET OFF ME" I shout as loud as I can, all of a sudden flames burst from my body and spread around me.


Luckily whatever just happened managed to lit the torch that was at my feet and I scramble to put the torch back in its holder next to these runes.

I sigh in relief and sink down the wall to sit down and steady my breathing 'I came so close to dying again, or maybe something worse, that Rhoynar in his journal never said they would kill him just that he'd be taken' I think to myself as I look to the skeleton that was sitting just across from myself.

Suddenly realisation struck as I remembered I wasn't alone here 'Sansa!' I think as I get up to rush to her side.

She looks pale and is sweating profusely 'What is wrong with her what could she have done that I didn't? We were together the whole time apart from in the forest' I ponder to myself while putting the back of my hand on her forehead.

I go to the crates and take a look at the contents to see if I can find anything that may help, I grab a bottle of water and rub the dust off of it.

I'm amazed as I see tiny lights dancing in the water, I would've dropped the bottle in shock if I wasn't so mesmerised by the swirling vortex of small lights within.

'This is sealed so it should be safe, but I have never seen a liquid like this in my life' I think frustratedly to myself.

I suddenly get and idea as I grab the journal I was reading earlier flipping back to earlier pages in order to find any reference to the cargo.

'Here is is!' I think excitedly to myself as I look at the journal entry.

*I don't believe we would've lasted this long if not for the water gifted to us by Nymeria. It's supposedly from the river Rhoyne where the old city of Ar Noy dwells, after the Valyrians slaughtered our people with dragon fire the soldiers and civilians who couldn't escape were drove back to the bank of the river where they're said to have all been killed and their souls are now infused with the water.

Before coming to Sothoryos I would've laughed at the thought of anything like that being true, but now I am not sure, what I do know is that it increases a persons inherent Magic as long as they have an affinity for water, if they don't then...*

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